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Re: Rogue








Re: Rogue

Here goes the problem already mentioned here. This is the only way i got to have her with the jacket on:


The problem is the gap between the hair and body is not enough for the thickness of the jacket and the head does not sit properly if you try to do it:


Re: Rogue

That hair thing is actually more disturbing to me. That's clearly a design flaw. That's something that should never have gotten past the people at SS. There should have been a redesign of the hair so the head can fit.
Re: Rogue

They still could blended it much better (even with a brush), they basically charcoaled her a$$ after BBQ'ing some steaks. It definitely was a rush paint job or they just didn't care and went all gothic. :lecture

The latest batch of pictures look better - particularly the EX head, but the eye shadow on the reg head still looks way too dark and heavy, still nothing like the proto pics. Hooker/Goth Rogue.
Re: Rogue

The latest batch of pictures look better - particularly the EX head, but the eye shadow on the reg head still looks way too dark and heavy, still nothing like the proto pics. Hooker/Goth Rogue.

Agreed, some black wash and a little skin toning, we can make her like dis :lecture


edit: ^^^ even there, they are not getting the detail in the smile with the skin and the sculpt.
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Re: Rogue

Sorry to hear about all of the QC issues, everyone.

Someone posted an SDCC pic and then a side-by-side pic of the in-hand piece earlier in the thread, and I was really surprised. QC is definitely....different. From what I've seen, some look better than others, but even the 'best ones' pale in comparison to what was at SDCC, IMO. Had I not seen the SDCC photos though, I think the reaction wouldn't have been as dramatic. With that said, I didn't order this one, so I can't attest to in-hand thoughts.

Still a nice piece though and I think worthy of a X-Men collection. :rock

It does make me worry about future releases though.
Re: Rogue

Sorry to hear about all of the QC issues, everyone.

Someone posted an SDCC pic and then a side-by-side pic of the in-hand piece earlier in the thread, and I was really surprised. QC is definitely....different. From what I've seen, some look better than others, but even the 'best ones' pale in comparison to what was at SDCC, IMO. Had I not seen the SDCC photos though, I think the reaction wouldn't have been as dramatic. With that said, I didn't order this one, so I can't attest to in-hand thoughts.

Still a nice piece though and I think worthy of a X-Men collection. :rock

It does make me worry about future releases though.

Un-friended. :wave