SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne

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Josh did you hear from anyone if the SDCC display was a production sample or the prototype?

The in hand shots look fine as far as the paint but the Con shots looked really nice and we got a more detailed look at how they turned out so I'm just curious if that's what we'll be getting.
I didn't ask honestly. Since its shipping so soon after the Con looking at it and what we got I'm pretty sure that was production.
For all the haters I think this is another case where once MaulFan whips out the SLR I think people will change their minds. Water treatment and lighting will be key to making this figure pop. I do think SSC kind of screwed the pooch on releasing his throne first. Collectors are fickle like that.
SLR always does the trick, man I can't wait to get one :banghead

I beg to differ. Think about this for a sec, you barely see the Emperor's face in JEDI. You never get a glimpse of his entire face, hell the make up only went past his ears (thanks blobby black thing in every throne scene) so you're not used to seeing his full head. I think that is throwing it off for a lot of people. Your memories of the Emperor are specific to the way he was lit on screen. I think this is possible to create with a little bit of futzing, which is half the fun. Right? :dunno
That's what I plan to do with my shots of this figure, present him as we're used to seeing him in ROTJ. I always cringed a bit seeing shots of the 1:1 bust where the hood would be all puffed out and goofy looking and then you read comments about how it looks nothing like him and stuff, well of course not, he has a signature look to how his robes drape, his hood lays. I was a littler nervous about the 1:1 until I got mine and could fix the hood and there he was, the ROTJ Emperor, I felt like I was in the scene.

Same with this figure, while he looked good in the shots on the SSC site, SDCC and now these in hands, I haven't quite seen him presented in the way we see him in ROTJ, and no matter how good Tim's sculpt is and the tailoring are, if you take the figure too far out of context, it could be very accurrate but not look it because we've never seen it any other way.

I find Star Wars is a property where you can't just see some figures in any old lighting and feel they're accurrate, there's a lot of specific lighting we only ever see some people in and when it's a human actor's face, often we don't know them from other roles and outside of Star Wars so if we see a sculpt, it could be good but until lit like the movie, we might think it's off.

Yes, I put wayyyy too much though into photographing collectibles :lol
I will buy 1 pair of regular hands and the colak. Then I'll use the costume for the previous Palpatine. Great idea :D
For all the haters I think this is another case where once MaulFan whips out the SLR I think people will change their minds. Water treatment and lighting will be key to making this figure pop. I do think SSC kind of screwed the pooch on releasing his throne first. Collectors are fickle like that.

Just taking the time to care when shooting a figure helps so much. Thats why I like how my shots come out. I try to take the time to take good shots. Yeah, having an SLR helps but anyone here who takes the time to take good shots usually does.

Besides this being a really nice figure from Sideshow and the work they all put into it.
To some extent, the camera really doesn't matter, ideally you want something with full manual control, but otherwise, it comes down to the photographer, and even then, a good shot is subjective, photographers have their own styles.

I'm sure some people here could care less for my over shadowed style, but it's what I consider interesting so I do it.

Key is to have fun taking your photos, regardless of what people think here. It's nice to have an audience for your work, but you have to be true to your artistic style and tastes and shouldn't mold yourself to cater to others.

"you want this...don't you"

I suppose with most of the Jedi dead and Vader to do is work, there'd be no need to have a lightsaber, but it is an interesting thing to think about, he had one, surely he could make a new one, but in the OT, he's saberless.