SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne

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Had to see that scene with a proper Emperor thrown in rather than the half assed ROTS substitution, though any McDiarmid is better than the original guy.

Had to see that scene with a proper Emperor thrown in rather than the half assed ROTS substitution, though any McDiarmid is better than the original guy.


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I'll have the Exclusive on Weds. I originally canceled mine but after seeing all of the great pics , I caved and ordered one. Not getting the throne though at least for now.......
Had to see that scene with a proper Emperor thrown in rather than the half assed ROTS substitution, though any McDiarmid is better than the original guy.

I rather like the ROTS makeup. It renders his countenance even more aberrant and otherworldly.
I rather like the ROTS makeup. It renders his countenance even more aberrant and otherworldly.

The makeup didn't bother me much for ESB as the hood, it looks like someone was blowing a fan at him while he talked to Vader, very sloppy and goofy looking to me, at no point in ROTS or ROTJ when he's wearing his Sith robe does it look that way, not sure why they had it that way for the ESB insertion.
The makeup didn't bother me much for ESB as the hood, it looks like someone was blowing a fan at him while he talked to Vader, very sloppy and goofy looking to me, at no point in ROTS or ROTJ when he's wearing his Sith robe does it look that way, not sure why they had it that way for the ESB insertion.
They did it that way because that's the way the hood was configured in the original hologram.
They did it that way because that's the way the hood was configured in the original hologram.

Not really, it was more or less the same as McDiarmid wore it in the ther movies.


I'd have been been fine with that, this just looks sloppy like the wardrobe people didn't even bother with it.

Ian McDiarmid must have been super skinny in ROTJ...with the makeup on, he looked thin. In the Prequels, the face looked really pudgey in comparison, yet as human palpatine, he certainly had filled out, but was no means fat....not sure why the makeup in the ROTS looked soo completely different.
Facially, I don't think they did much different for ROTS except make it more symetrical and clean, but the neck area was thicker thank Jedi, he almost had no jawline at times. Could be because McDiarmid's natural neck was sagging and not as firm as his younger days.
Trying out the "angry" head...

<a href="" title="EMPEROR-12 by qui_gonbear, on Flickr"><img src="" width="640" height="427" alt="EMPEROR-12" /></a>

<a href="" title="EMPEROR-14 by qui_gonbear, on Flickr"><img src="" width="1024" height="683" alt="EMPEROR-14" /></a>

Serene & sinister as the standard portrait offers...
<a href="" title="EMPEROR-06 by qui_gonbear, on Flickr"><img src="" width="763" height="1024" alt="EMPEROR-06" /></a>

...or seething Sith rage with the exclusive portrait...
<a href="" title="EMPEROR-13 by qui_gonbear, on Flickr"><img src="" width="1024" height="871" alt="EMPEROR-13" /></a>
...Sideshow has given us an awesome rendering of this Dark Lord.

Again, great job, Sideshow!
Looks like a non-issue to me....different situations, different times...that cloak could certainly be more "relaxed" after all of those years between the rebirth of Vader and an urgent message to him years later...

My question on those comp shots is....Is that really a film still from ROTS with that badly composited mouth on it? Wow...
I think the reason it's more ruffled in the SE Empire is so that you can clearly see the actors face and it's not just some other random actor in there.
Noticed the cantina piece is set to come out before Greedo, glad to see SS learned from their Emperor throne debacle.