SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne

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I think the price of the Throne would have been a good price for both it AND the Emperor figure together.

Sideshow is most definitely milking this license and squeezing blood from a stone with the prices now. So far, it hasn't really come back to haunt them. But a few more barebones figures at high-end prices...


This figure in and of itself is fantastic. The headsculpts provide variety in terms of display potential and the outfit, especially with the wired edges, look and work fantastic. The fact that their are no pants is a minimal issue. The cane being a bit short, while annoying, can be worked around with. But the fact that this rather bare boned figure cost near one hundred dollars is what has it still sitting in the warehouse, period.

I honestly think that Sideshow has finally pushed the inside of the envelope, in regards to pricing.

We are already seeing lower edition sizes with continuing higher prices. That will only facilitate that effect, as much of their customer base end up being priced out of this line. The For Sale section of the forum has been showing this for some time. :monkey2
Well lets break this banter with a pic shall we


"Pssst... hey Palps. Who's the midget in the red dress?"
Just a quick enquiry to see whether anyone has a Sideshow gift card that they are not going to use. I'd really appreciate it, shipping to the UK is a _____.
Here's the plan for the window if anyones interested
The blue lines are the approximate size of the throne in comparison the bottom line marks the floor level
Thought it was about time I shared some pics of my Emperor!


Strangely enough, I haven't used the angry head sculpt yet, I like this one fine! It's a great sculpt, although I do feel it's one of those cases were the sculptor captured more the character than the actor, if that makes any sense... truth is, I don't see much of Ian there, but I sure see the Emperor.

And another one:


Hope you guys like!
Is it me or is Palpatine's face TOO sculpted? As in... i feel as if it should look softer than it is. The wrinkles are really harsh making him look like the younger Ep3 version. He's older now and his face should reflect that.