SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne

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Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

--The Emperor: "You've done well, Lord Vader. And now I sense you wish to continue your search for young Skywalker."
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

I don't think I've been this excited about a preorder since Jabba. Or maybe old Ben. This is a grail piece! Good luck today, guys!!!
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

That Vader is ginormous next to Palps!!
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

This preorder has got - "ohh ohh ohhhh, the right stuff" written alll over it. :rock
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

--The Emperor: "Everything that has transpired has done so according to my design. Your friends, up there on the sanctuary moon, are walking into a trap, as is your Rebel fleet. It was *I* who allowed the Alliance to know the location of the shield generator. It is quite safe from your pitiful little band. An entire legion of my best troops awaits them. Oh, I'm afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive. "
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

Anybody excited about this Emperor PPO? :lol
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

--The Emperor: "Come, boy, see for yourself. From here, you will witness the final destruction of the Alliance and the end of your insignificant rebellion."
[Luke's eyes go to his lightsabre]
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

Anyone else humming the tune of the soundtrack during the Luke and Vader last fight scene, or is it just me..... :rotfl
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

Are you guys ordering this directly through the priority pre-order email of a different link...