SSC 1/6 SW Completists

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Smudger9 said:
I think you forgot about Medicom Yoda.... that makes three. And although Stormtroopers arent "key" anyone who doesnt think that they would be in the top fove most popular Star Wars figures needs their heads testing.

I didn't forget Yoda because technically, he's part of the VCD line and I thought we were discussing 1/6 figures, and many people feel Darth Maul is a fave for collecting, so that doesn't change that Stormtroopers aren't key to the plot line of the saga, which was my point.
DarthNeil said:
Boba and Jango---full price.

I grabbed a Medi Stormtrooper from for $100 and a ROTJ Vader on E-Bay for $80... You can find the deals if you look hard enough. Having said that I don't think that Jango's price will drop after seeing those great teaser pics.

Thats why I'm paying full for Fett. I doubt either will drop much.
PosterBoyKelly said:
Yoda, though VCD is still 1/6 isn't he?

Ya he is, but as cool as he is too, you can still see that he's stylized like the others in that line, but instead of being Super D like, it's more just an artistic take on the character, if they made one for their 1/6 line, I'm sure he'd look spot on to the film, and if pieces from other lines by the manufacturer are going to be considered as well in Smudger's logic, then you could throw in all of SSC's PFs and all. My argument was based on what characters were in each's declared 1/6 line, Yoda VCD's scale was just incidental, otherwise he'd have been labeled RAH versus VCD.
PosterBoyKelly said:
Thats why I'm paying full for Fett. I doubt either will drop much.

I agree... and my Jabba display needs a cool Fett in the background--- and Jango-- well, look at the pics and tell me that the Medi-Jango won't be one of the best SW 12" yet.
Yoda VCD is soooooo NOT stylized, he's dead He's only VCD because he's made of all vinyl, it looks NOTHING like the other VCD and is really meant to fit in w/ the RAH line. He IS part of the 1/6 line, they just can't say RAH cause he's just all vinyl.
That Yoda is amazing. i was surprised that it was so cheap too compared to the other Medicom Star Wars figures. partly why i bought it
The preorder pics for the Yoda made him look...well, I don't know if "stylized" is even quite the word (crap is more like it)... but the finished product absolutely blows me away. I was probably the biggest naysayer of this figure on this board, until I read some reviews and bought one for myself. He is perfectly 1:6 scale and looks awesome posed next to my SS Jedi Luke. Not stylized one bit.
I was but the Endor troops ended that, just other things I could be buying. I will try and get them later for cheaper.
Well the new "Extras" line joke tonight nearly drove the completist in my away! I only knew of Ice Cream Maker Guy on the poll! If any of those figures (besides ICMG) are made I seriously would have to think 10 times about them. I might get the giant chicken figure just because it is so random and HUGE! Realistically I wouldn't buy it, but it would be great for a laugh! :lol

I'm just afraid this line isn't a joke, just the figure. :eek:
MaulFan said:
Ya he is, but as cool as he is too, you can still see that he's stylized like the others in that line, but instead of being Super D like, it's more just an artistic take on the character, if they made one for their 1/6 line, I'm sure he'd look spot on to the film, and if pieces from other lines by the manufacturer are going to be considered as well in Smudger's logic, then you could throw in all of SSC's PFs and all. My argument was based on what characters were in each's declared 1/6 line, Yoda VCD's scale was just incidental, otherwise he'd have been labeled RAH versus VCD.

Why would using my logic lead us to include the PFs. I think we can safely say they arent 1/6, but maybe someone can get their ruler out to check. :rolleyes: Yoda is definately 1/6, he even comes in a RAH-style box.

The reason he isnt classed in the RAH line is because he doesnt have a RAH body. I agree that the prototype looked styalised but the final product is an amazing likeness of ESB Yoda. A bargain for $50. I hope they persue this avenue for non-standard figures and give us a VCD Jawa or Gamorrean Guard, but given that Medicom sticks only to core characters I dont think its likely.
Although Medicom Yoda is a VCD I would still count it as part of Medi's 1/6 line up for SW characters. I think that was the intention since the box is the exact same style of packaging as the rest of the RAH line, so it was obviously meant to fit in with that line.

Counting Yoda Medicom have actually released 10 figures in their RAH line up, they probably get released less often because of the price and the fact that most collectors couldn't keep up otherwise.

But I'd rather see Medi release 4 SW figures per year and keep them at the current standard of quality.

Easier on the wallet too:lol
Although Medicom Yoda is a VCD I would still count it as part of Medi's 1/6 line up for SW characters. I think that was the intention since the box is the exact same style of packaging as the rest of the RAH line, so it was obviously meant to fit in with that line.

Counting Yoda Medicom have actually released 10 figures in their RAH line up, they probably get released less often because of the price and the fact that most collectors couldn't keep up otherwise.

But I'd rather see Medi release 4 SW figures per year and keep them at the current standard of quality.

Easier on the wallet too:lol

I'd be happy with four to six per year, especially as you know that almost every release will be a core character you cant not buy..... no "fill ins" for this line.
The line isn't perfect Medicom have made some missteps with it, but overall IMO they're getting it right and delivering what the fans want to see.

Fine Boba Fett is a background character, but he's also a fan favourite and has been for years, as proven by the fact he outsold any other Medi figure that's been released so far.

I could cope with maybe five figures and an exclusive every year. especially as I'm not a completist for any line so I could just pick and choose what characters I like best and get the ones I want.

Of course that's harder when they all look great
I am not even close to a completist on this line anymore. I was going to be and was up until those Endor Troops so many other have mentioned. I have also canceled the Holo chess set and Ventress as well. I also never ordered Maul's balls.

At this point I am pretty dead set on getting all the Jedi/Sith ( before you mention Ventress, she was never a true sith ) and then maybe one iconic figure of each OT main character. I won't be getting any of the side characters from the OT ( other than Jabba stuff ) and ONLY Jedi/Sith from the PT.
Dug this ancient thread up. I wonder how many surviving completists are there after such a long while and especially in the present economic environment.
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I was until Endor Troops. Since then, I buy what I like. And when your talking Star Wars, even that gets expensive. I an overall very happy with this line, I just won't get figures like the Rebel Trooper and Capt Antilles, but I'll buy two Stormtroopers. With SW, being a completist is way out of my budget.