Nice pics Guyver/DL Dave!
Glad guys are liking this figure. Handling it at SDCC really gave me the impression that SSCs is stepping up their game and trying to offer more competition to the Hot Toys heavy market. They have taken the whole face/sculpt head swap to a whole new level...and they need to be recognized for that. The body is a heavy heavy mutha and gives the impression that this figure a one durable sturdy piece...and money well spent. The joints seemed sturdy and the suit is VERY forgiving. I can't wait to get this in hand to compare my experience with the pre-production factory produced figure at SDCC and the production version. So far, it sounds like its a very close, if not exact.

I think this is a fun piece, whether you display him in a standing pose or you go full on action. Either way you can't lose as I have demonstrated in my pics. He even looks fantastic being posed on a stand and I hate putting figures on stands
I think SSC is finally on the right track with this new body sculpt. Honestly, this body would be excellent for a Batman TAS version so I hope since DC direct is revitalizing the line, I hope SSC gets some ideas.
I like how this figure captures the essence of Jim Lee, Frank Miller, even a bit of Neil Adam's work, don't know exactly what SS intentions were but ther is no way you can have this piece on your shelf or Detoif and not think otherwise.
Pics don't do it justice folks, the blue is not as bright, it is a faithful bluish grey very subdued tone that blends well in sunlight, special light, any kind of light.
It reminds me of the decked out blue they use on Batman statues. The kind where they want to capture a comic artist style version, whoever it is in modern form but they don't want to make the Batman's color completely black so they choose that subtle blue tone. For those who are expecting it will see what I mean.