SSC Batman 1/6 figure

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Attention to those who wanted to make a Neal Adams belt. Mike is doing a one time only belt parts of buckle and capsels this Sunday. Pipe in by following link to take part in it. After this cast he is not making any more.
If you don't want to assemble them message me I have plenty of yellow vinyl and can make belts. Just please spray paint your parts yellow before sending me. Use a matte or shinny finish so I know you want a shiny or matte yellow belt.

The link to his page is back a few pages.
was thinking the short eared cowl looked a little like ben affleck's cowl from bats v supes , so i thought id play around with it a little,cut up a marvel studios daredevil head and roughed it in the cowl as a look see ,what do you all think ,looks close to me ,anyone know if the sideshow cape will dye black successfully lol


hey bro. U got the same idea as i, can you please show me the back side of the face plate to see how u did it, thanks n here is mine. .
hey bro. U got the same idea as i, can you please show me the back side of the face plate to see how u did it, thanks n here is mine. .

sure ,its dark here atm ,ill post some pics when it gets light in the morning ,is that zods suit your useing ,looks good ,nice mug by the way lol
" the mug well it's where i put my brushes. Better pict. "
great pic but that batman is still in the way lol ,so the mugs attractive and useful ,perfect lol
well back to the head ,i cut the frame for the face plate out of mine and carved the daredevil sculpt into a block that fits or should i say almost fits ,still needs a little filling on the corners ,heres some pics ,i hope they give you the overall idea ,




and again back together on the figure


before i started i had a trial run with making a face plate ,but wasn't happy with how it looked ,so i took the easy way and cut it all up lol ,but im sure it can work im just not skilled enough it that department im afraid ,
i cut out the face of a random donor figure by putting masking tape over the original side show face plate ,trimmed it exactly to size then peeled it off and stuck it on the donor face ,to give me the approximate size ,cut it out and used milliput ,epoxy paste pressed in to the cowl ,to get the fit and the hole formed the peg for holding the plate in the sculpt ,its best to wait until the epoxy has started to cure and its firmer to do this ,as i found out to my cost lol ,anyway then i stuck the donor face to the epoxy plug and that was it ,you have the features and the plug to hold it in place ,just needs cleaning up around the edges ,and painting ,heres my feeble attempts hope they help ,as a trial run to get the feel for it try the procedure using blue tack to give you a idea how far and how hard to press ,good luck and post pics here on in a dedicated thread cheers chris



if this post is too long or off topic ,please feel free to move or delete it thanks
just on a side note i tried to dye the cape ,no joy ,the cape in the pics above had been 26 hours in dylon black dye for delicate fabrics ,no change whats so ever lol ,anyone have any luck or ideas on blacking this cape up
Thanks for the info bro, alot of work for a face plate I also tried the custom plate but I guess that im gonna have to go the way u did also ,,, thank u again n alot of custom n great figure s in the back ground :duff
ive got the blue SSC one on hold and will be getting it soon..but wanted to grab some parts and make another version of him..but in blck/gray...not really based off of any version..just my take on him so far....
been a long time since ive done any it's kinda nice and

just a quick wip shot..lots to do still...repaints, cape..belt...etc....
Great pose!

Nice to get a sense of scale with these, and to see how far we've come from the old DC Direct Deluxe figures. The blue and gray one was one of my first "1/6" scale figures I ever owned.

Very cool. I wish SSC gave him the oval.
I'm stealing that pouncung pose. Awesome. Mine will be here Friday.
He looks good Spider like the fit of his suit. Libby thanks for the Info Especially about the Cape.

i tightened up the gauntlets a bit...added a prop belt just to see what it looked like....the HS looks funny at that angle, ive smacked it down a bit more so it fits on better..hope adding the cape will hide it even more