Hahahaha...Batman armpit modification complete!!! So how did it go? Well...was it easy? I wouldn't say easy...if anything it can be quite tricky especially when ripping the fabric away from the glue at the beginning and then having to stretch the fabric over his torso to enable you to get the glue in...which in itself is very tricky. Then you have the glue which as you pull away, leaves a stringy trail so If your not too careful, the glue could hit areas in which you don't want it to go. For a first attempt I didn't do a bad job, however, I feel like I could have done better given the opportunity to do it again...
I can only be honest but it's certainly not a mod for those who don't have a steady hand or those who don't have patience and just want to rush it. I think potentially a lot can go wrong although the chances of that happening are below 35% I'd say. My most tricky part of the mod is the unglueing of the fabric at the beginning...I reckon everyone's Bats statue is different and mine was glued down like a mofo!!

so much so that I was scared of ripping the fabric and almost giving up there and then... Once you've got as far as removing the fabric away from the top, you can then begin to peel down the suit...at this point it's putting a lot of stress on the fabric and at times you feel like something is gonna rip!
Applying the glue was fairly straight forward. Like others, I also used a syringe to perform this part of the mod as you get much better control of application as opposed to using the actual bottle of FabriTac glue. I have to agree with the majority of those who have already achieved this mod that the glue takes no time at all to set! It dries pretty fast so once you've left it for abt 5 mins then your pretty screwed if you wanna go back and change something. I found this out when I decided that I could have done one side a bit better but by then it was too late and there was no way I was gonna be ripping the fabric away from the top of the statue again! I remember seeing Bmutha attempt this on his Bats after applying his FabriTac and it proved to be even more difficult to remove than it was compared to the glue Sideshow had used...so in the end I was pretty happy with the results overall but as mentioned, I could have done a bit better given another go.