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Re: Sideshow Batman PF?

Lol... I have been displaying mine with the Reg hand till he finds his forever home in my basement, and I gotta say he looks fantastic no matter what.

We all know your judgment on all things Batman is flawed :rotfl
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

So yeah, I'm no longer a HTs man.

I'm a statue man. I'm completely blown away, it's the first PF I've seen in person and I can't get over the pure epicness of it

Next up, Superman!!!

Then I need some Marvel.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

oh god you can't be serious…get wonder woman thats a universally accepted good looking PF…gladiator hulk looks dope also...

Frankly I don't want to be the only person ordering Jean :lol

Yeah in seriousness, WW is a must have. If you go Marvel, I'd go with the Gwen or MJ comis. If PF, and you got money; go with XM.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Frankly I don't want to be the only person ordering Jean :lol

Yeah in seriousness, WW is a must have. If you go Marvel, I'd go with the Gwen or MJ comis. If PF, and you got money; go with XM.

lmfao :rotfl ok now i get it…i was gonna say man…lol don't steer the new statue guy wrong haha…but I wish you all the best..hell if i were you, unless you're in love w the piece, just wait tip xm does it…they're already on phoenix, which looks good so far, and they look like they're doing justice by the x-men…(see magneto)
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

lmfao :rotfl ok now i get it…i was gonna say man…lol don't steer the new statue guy wrong haha…but I wish you all the best..hell if i were you, unless you're in love w the piece, just wait tip xm does it…they're already on phoenix, which looks good so far, and they look like they're doing justice by the x-men…(see magneto)

I wouldn't say I'm in love, but since I got a Scarlet Witch comi, and everything else I got is paired up; I figure Jean would be perfect. Honestly it's the face that gets me. Just looks like a mix of Famke and animated Jean, and I must say I love me some Famke.

I'm really enjoying XM's stuff but I can't seem to justify 800 a pop. That's an exclusive Psylocke mint and exclusive Rogue mint, compared to just Widow and Phoenix, not to mention Ms. Marvel also looks delicious. I got Jean for 290, so that's why I'm not so mad :lol

Sad part of all this is, I don't even have Batman or Superman. Once I get Wonder Woman, I'll probably get the big blue and good ol' Brucey