SSC Cobra Viper

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Hulk unleashes his minions. :lol
From the looks of those Vipers, especially the one behind him, Road Pig's got an a$$whoopin coming... :horror




My Pre-Sideshow Cobras... from A long, long, long time ago(I know they are bad attempts but that was what was available in the day) :lol
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Oh yeah:rock FINALLY, got one earlier this afternoon. Looks like I'll need to hunt down some T-1000 boots though. Anybody know exactly what kind of ankle/foot pegs I'd need to make that work for this mod?



My Cobra Forces...

Oh yeah:rock FINALLY, got one earlier this afternoon. Looks like I'll need to hunt down some T-1000 boots though. Anybody know exactly what kind of ankle/foot pegs I'd need to make that work for this mod?

The boots use Hot Toys foot pegs which require a Hot Toys body which I changed to. I do not know of a converstion peg for a sideshow body. :(

Edit: I take that back. I did some research to find cmtoys makes a conversion peg listed below:
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Oh yeah:rock FINALLY, got one earlier this afternoon. Looks like I'll need to hunt down some T-1000 boots though. Anybody know exactly what kind of ankle/foot pegs I'd need to make that work for this mod?

You don't need any special pegs. Regular Sideshow foot pegs fit Hot Toys peg holes found in their feet/boot feet.
Just remove the HT peg and slide the HT boot on a Sideshow Prometheus, if the fit is a little lose (It's not on mine) then just wrap the peg with a little tape.
The real issue is removing the Sideshow boot feet from their pegs, which you'll need to use the boil and pop method, warm the Sideshow boots until they're soft enough to pop the peg out.

Newer Hot Toys feet/boot feet however have a new peg I believe that's not compatible. The T-1000 boots are the old compatible type so no problem there.
If I remember correctly, Cobra troops did not work well with dreadnoks much less take orders from them. :dunno


I could be wrong...
A quick bash with the new SE body of a 'Heavy' Viper. Wanted to try it w/ the Zartan body but never got ahold of an extra. Needs futzing and maybe a shorter neck peg and Rock N Rolls Gun but like I said, quick bash.
Not a Viper, not even a trooper, but since I used Viper patches I figured I post it here. I'm bored. No new Joes, have to rummage through the parts bin to make one :dunno

All the parts are going to something else, so its all getting taken apart now :lol



