SSC Cobra Viper

Collector Freaks Forum

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Thanks, sirs, appreciate it!

And E, thats a good idea, never even crossed my mind. I didn't wanna break him down after I took pics cause I liked the look. I could definitely add a few things to make him into a Night Viper. :duff

We need a "insert name-Viper" thread to share random Vipers all in one place.
Give him a bag from the new Snake Eyes Commando and some goggles and you could have a "Shadow Viper".
Your photos and bashes always inspire me King, and make me sad of my circumstances...:(

That looks great.

He looks French. :dunno

Yeah, he does look like a GIGN soldier.



Le Cobra.
looks awesome, king! :drool always dig your pics, everything really pops.

i did one kind of similar to your 'night viper' but i used the black FF head sculpt. effed him up by putting him on a muscular TT so had to de-gear him and start over because he looked like randy from a christmas story and couldn't put his arms down.
On the sugestion of EVILFACE, I ran with the Night-Viper idea. Glad I did.

Added NVG helmet, pack, knife and DTA-SRS sniper rifle.

