All you OT elitists crack me up. There are other collectors out there that want something different as well but the hell with them why should they get thrown a bone once in awhile. You are as narrow minded as the Jedi's and they almost got wiped out. 
Don't get me wrong, I want to fill out the core OT characters as well but I don't get all the pissing, moaning and complaining every time something not OT is announced. The droids have had the WIP pictures shown and at least Chewy, Stormtrooper and Emperor among others have been addressed in the Q&A's as being in the pipeline. It isn't like they are never going to get made so why get all worked up about it and make it seem like the world is coming to an end?
I don't have a problem with the questioning of the character selection but the sculpt should not be getting crapped on like it is just because it is not a character you want. This isn't on the top of my list either but I enjoy the sculpt and appreciate the work put into it. I am not going to crap on SS or the artists work because of it. It just gets old reading the same crap all the time. It takes a lot of the fun out of reading the board and trying to have civil conversations with fellow collectors in the community.

Don't get me wrong, I want to fill out the core OT characters as well but I don't get all the pissing, moaning and complaining every time something not OT is announced. The droids have had the WIP pictures shown and at least Chewy, Stormtrooper and Emperor among others have been addressed in the Q&A's as being in the pipeline. It isn't like they are never going to get made so why get all worked up about it and make it seem like the world is coming to an end?
I don't have a problem with the questioning of the character selection but the sculpt should not be getting crapped on like it is just because it is not a character you want. This isn't on the top of my list either but I enjoy the sculpt and appreciate the work put into it. I am not going to crap on SS or the artists work because of it. It just gets old reading the same crap all the time. It takes a lot of the fun out of reading the board and trying to have civil conversations with fellow collectors in the community.