SSC Duke 12 inch figure

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So if both Sideshow and HotToys get the water bottle from the same 3rd-party factory in China, does that mean it's HotToys water bottle? I've seen that same bottle on several other figures as well.

Well there you go, that could be it..still puts a point across that SS did not fully develop the figure right down to the gear..i would say other then the body and sculpt and clothing, Lazer rifle..the rest is third party then.
Isn't it funny that "The Real American Hero" is manufactured in China...

I just thought of that and it gave me a chuckle.

Well, given our berets are made in China, and the ACUs in Honduras, it's not surprising. I've even heard rumors that our rifles have been outsourced to FN (though that's unreliable). ;)

Well there you go, that could be it..still puts a point across that SS did not fully develop the figure right down to the gear..i would say other then the body and sculpt and clothing, Lazer rifle..the rest is third party then.

I wouldn't say that. See the first quote. Just because someone helps you build something, doesn't mean you didn't fully develop it.
Holy crap there's an argument going on over a ^^^^ing water bottle! :lol

It's going to look similar because it's all based on the same realworld items. There is no more to it than that.
Isn't it funny that "The Real American Hero" is manufactured in China...

I just thought of that and it gave me a chuckle.

even funnier, 1/2 of our REAL gear is made in china. our bdu's and what not are made by convicts in the US at least.

nam, the saw and the m240 are made by FN in wherever they are. the m4 is still made in connecticut but the contract is ending. it looks like HK is getting it. most of our optics are made in europe. hell a few of guys in my company weren't even american citizens.

i didn't know about the acu's (i got out before those horrible costumes came out)

ok you're right about FN for forscom (scar l's and h's). i just read the article in the "times"
ussocom (the rock stars) are going with HK 416's
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I think this is one of those times where searching for the minutely redundant aspects of a figure's creation just to criticize the company should just be dropped. This figure is badass and he's made by Sideshow. Does anything else outside of that really matter?!
Holy crap there's an argument going on over a ^^^^ing water bottle! :lol

It's going to look similar because it's all based on the same realworld items. There is no more to it than that.

I did not start any arguement...simply speculation that got someones panties in a knot once again..and i am well aware the figure is loosely based on a real world soldiers look. I was curious about the actual gear itself and if its from HT or SS or now a third party which makes more sense as well.
I did not start any arguement...simply speculation that got someones panties in a knot once again..and i am well aware the figure is loosely based on a real world soldiers look. I was curious about the actual gear itself and if its from HT or SS or now a third party which makes more sense as well.

But that's what causes the flame wars. Especially when it's as redundant as a water bottle. This is the type of stuff you should use your Freaks blog to speculate on. It'd save you and I infractions :)lol), the mods from deleting countless posts and keep everyone else from getting pissed off at you so much. :huh
But that's what causes the flame wars. Especially when it's as redundant as a water bottle. This is the type of stuff you should use your Freaks blog to speculate on. It'd save you and I infractions :)lol), the mods from deleting countless posts and keep everyone else from getting pissed off at you so much. It's just a ^^^^ing water bottle. Does it really matter THAT much?! :huh

The bottle was just the first thing that made me think.."same as my Hot Toys figure" and then the sidearm holdster etc...since we know SS has worked with HT on some projects, i just threw that out there.

No need to start WWIII with me, by assuming its all SS and basically telling me off is pretty rude when i am just speculating on the figure. I never did say it is what i say it is.

Yea..ok moving on right..figure looks great. uhh..yea.

Anxious as hell for that laser rifle. :rock
this settle the water bottle debate .........

this is my canteen, there are many like it but this one is mine. my canteen is my best friend. with out me my canteen is empty, with out my canteen my piss comes out like snot.

i must drink from my canteen many times a day. i must drink more than my enemy who will get to the latrine first. i must finish it before him. i will

before the water truck i swear this creed. my canteen and i are defenders of hydration. we are masters of the piss trough. we are the saviors of dry mouths. so be it....

Well there you go, that could be it..still puts a point across that SS did not fully develop the figure right down to the gear..i would say other then the body and sculpt and clothing, Lazer rifle..the rest is third party then.

Unless you have proof, who the ^^^^ cares. I don't care who poured the plastic in the mold, Sideshow is giving us a bad ass figure.
Unless you have proof, who the ^^^^ cares. I don't care who poured the plastic in the mold, Sideshow is giving us a bad ass figure.

I am pointing out the gear is similar to my Hot Toys figures so, no.. pipe down buddy! lol

There is no complaints here about the figure, i like it...stop making things difficult.
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