SSC Duke 12 inch figure

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I can't wait for this figure, got the cobra commander at a local comic con and now I'm hooked.
Now we need Scarlett to go with him - I'm curious how far back the female figs are, Baroness could be very cool too.
For those that ordered at Con, has it showed up on your account homepage yet? My Duke and my throne haven't yet :huh:huh

It sometimes takes 2 weeks or more for orders from the SDCC floor to show up in your account. Don't worry, they'll be there soon enough.

Your order number(s) will also begin with a "P" and they are technically listed as phone orders, though you WILL get Reward Points.

You should have one order # for every order sheet you got from the con. Items will be listed individually within that order.

Very small year for me this year... I only filled up one sheet! :lol (last year, it was 3 :google)
I think Duke and Storm Shadow are the best of the line so far. I hope there aren't any screw ups with my SDCC order for the EX of this. My wonderful wife threw away my Sideshow bag that had my preorder receipt from the con floor that had Duke EX, Venom EX, and Mystique EX.




Not many shots of him posted in this thread. Just putting this here for anyone who didn't want to go back a few pages.
I'm just getting the podium #4 video from that link... what info are you referring to?

And I'm sure we'll get female figures, but if a new female body is in development (I hope one is) I'd rather wait, than get a wonky looking figure.
And I love how this Duke looks like he could fold up that wannabe tool Channing Tatum into a small pretzel and drop kick him like a soccer ball.
Ugh, I hate that *********, almost as much as I hate Josh Hartnett.

This Duke kicks major ass!! :rock

Price is fine imo. Everything is expensive now, I am used to it and wont stress over factors I cant effect.

Would rather be happy and appreciate the figure than spend time crying about the price.
:lecture :lecture :lecture

the price is fair. he's got a ton of gear, almost as much as SE. he has a real functional helmet with straps and googles. and he has sculpted forearms. a homerun in my book. gonna be worth every penny if the finished product turns out great.
Totally agree!

You getting Duke Ill?
Had the Ex. ordered since the Con buddy. :cool:
And I'm sure we'll get female figures, but if a new female body is in development (I hope one is) I'd rather wait, than get a wonky looking figure.

I'm thinking that SSC is currently developing a new female base body. In two separate Q&A's they've said that they plan to make GI Joe females and Arena Padme in the 12 inch line (they even said the sculpt for Padme is done) but that none of them will be out before 2011. Doesn't seem like too much of a leap to assume that they're holding them for completion of a new body type.
More info on the exclusive pre-order is up, along with more pics.

Great pic of Duke's gear:

That is AMAZING, this is heading towards 'My All-Time favorite Figure' territory!! Sideshow really brought out the big guns for this one! :rock

California sucks. . . .

GRAND TOTAL: $ 132.85
Yeah, well I typically get my stuff one day after being charged! :p :D

Got the Excl. thanks to my brother! :rock :rock :rock That ****** just earned himself a Bleu-Ray movie.
I'm sure he learned the ways of the ****** from you. :lol

YA the EX isn't that worth it. Now if he came with the Jetpack... :rotfl then ya. I wouldn't care if it was $50 more. It's a f-ing Jetpack, it'll still be worth it. :D
I was just thinking that while looking at Khev's sig, that would've been bad ass. This figure is still bad ass though, without benefit of a jetpack.