SSC Duke 12 inch figure

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Just a quick question, Samuel what body did you use for your Storm Shadow custom? Comedian? Wolverine? Great job.

Comedian is the best body for SS IMHO. It offers the sleeveless look with excellent articulation. Plus I used the HT Leonidas hands for double sword hands.
Yes, the hair has a greyish wash, it still doesnt look natural. It has to do with the hair line edge being to sharp, There is no blending whatsoever.

The painted hair on this :

Looks closer to this:

when it should have looked like this:

You've really hit the nail on the head there. This figure has everything going for it other than the paint application. I'm so glad that Josh Small will be having some input over the paint apps in this line, getting rid of that stupid "doll-dot" once and for all. :lol
Just curious, what would everyone think if these figures were all based on the original card art from the RAH figures? From gear and overall look on the sculpts themselves?

I would never have started to buy them. I loved GI Joe RAH when I was younger (despite the fact that RAH is not really the original GI Joe), but I am happy to say that I have moved on from the comics/cartoons other than some occasional nostalgic reflection. But the recognizability of the characters and the improvements Sideshow has made to the designs are the two factors that got me buying the line. The one sure-fire way to get me out of the line is to go 100% animation on the designs (unless they did a "live-action" version AND the "animated" version, then I would buy BOTH...but I gotta have my "live-action" version). That is the reason that I stopped collecting Hasbro's Star Wars stuff, and it is the reason I will not display Sideshow's Clone Wars Anakin with the rest of my Sideshow Star Wars stuff.
You had a better looking Duke, but sold him@!
Seriously. If I had that custom of yours, I wouldn't give two thoughts to the Sideshow version. Nice as it is, it is garbage compared to what you came up with, IMO.

The one sure-fire way to get me out of the line is to go 100% animation on the designs
But card art is not the cartoon look.
Seriously. If I had that custom of yours, I wouldn't give two thoughts to the Sideshow version. Nice as it is, it is garbage compared to what you came up with, IMO.

Being able to do both, I will say that while having a custom is nice, there's just something about having the official release. That's made even better by customizing the official release.

But card art is not the cartoon look.

Sideshow has the perfect principal. They're inspired by the card art and so long as they don't stray to far from it, the figures will remain awesome. They're managing to maintain the balance between nostalgia and modernization fairly well. There will be genuine hits (Beach) and genuine misses (Firefly), but in the end, most of what we've seen/gotten to date has made me a happy camper.
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truth. i like some of the new takes (closet ff fan) but that being said i like that what we have beein getting doesn't drift too far from the old school representations. i think they have struck a perfect balance without going all roc on us.
:lol They probably said, "Oops, they missed the hair detail at the factory. Send this one to Carl."

:lol I wouldn't doubt that for a second. :nana:

The head in Chase's pic looks much better than mine, and I assume that is unaltered. So, yeah... I think I stand a decent chance of getting a better-looking replacement.