Super Freak
Good point, maybe he can change his weapons etc

Good point, maybe he can change his weapons etc
I ordered one but I'm a bit on the fence. It's such a radical deprture from a Predator bio that it almost looks like it could belong to a different property like maybe Stargate, Chronicles of Riddick, or something else. I guess when I look at the other bios I immediately think Predator. With this one, without a Predator actually wearing it, I don't associate it with the license. I'd like to see SS make the Falcon (if that's the name). That would be a cool prop.
Well keep your eyes peeled because they will be making the bio for the original Predator also. If you watch this video, he says 4 masks are being made and a 1:1 bust https://www.sideshowtoy.com/videos.php?videoID=709&ref=WP_071510&event&sdcc_videos
thats' what i'm waiting for too ,if i'll buy a bio it will be the bio from the original predator and hopefully it's battle damaged
PLay are takig the piss, they have this for sale a £429
PLay are takig the piss, they have this for sale a £429
I thought it was on SS website that the Super Predator Skull was coming first.
Wow...not wasting any time between the Berserker bio...