SSC Firefly

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:lol and that electrical tape doesn't seem too rough :rotfl

Ya know. Cobra must be cheap. You'd think they could at least get a bit better phone for that bomb. :lol
Ya know. Cobra must be cheap. You'd think they could at least get a bit better phone for that bomb. :lol

That's kinda the point of an IED though. Cheap enough to make thousands with minimal cost and powerful enough to take out a team or a HUMVEE. It's like something FF would make while retreating in a HISS and toss on the side of the road to thwart pursuing Joes. :huh
Feeling a bit better about not getting the exclusive now, but I'm sure a little extra paint is all it would take to bring it up to par. Maybe an x-acto on those moldlines too.
That's kinda the point of an IED though. Cheap enough to make thousands with minimal cost and powerful enough to take out a team or a HUMVEE. It's like something FF would make while retreating in a HISS and toss on the side of the road to thwart pursuing Joes. :huh


one of my buddies that is in iraq referred to them (ied) as definitely 'half-assed' sometimes...but effective.

imo it's the paint job that makes it look cheap...and the big mold seam.

still...bring on my exclusive firefly!
Are we really going through the poopy and cheap phase again? I thought we'd finally realized the first pics of a new item out usually don't do it justice and that it will look a lot better in person. You guys are turning this into the new SW section :slap