SSC Firefly

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The paint apps a really good. I know the flash is brings out flaws that maybe one wouldnt notice. Maybe they were going for the "half-assed" look. I just think as an exclusive is not very good compared to CC, Storm Shadows, and Dukes. Even the Joes that are coming have better, more useful, exclusives.
What if I said it looks poopy and cheap?

I know some hookers that are poopy and cheap!

Are we really going through the poopy and cheap phase again? I thought we'd finally realized the first pics of a new item out usually don't do it justice and that it will look a lot better in person. You guys are turning this into the new SW section :slap

Sadly, I think that phrase is now passe. I thought the Star Wars boards were bad but the ____ing douches in the HotToys threads are faaaaaaar worse than that, tempertantrums over minor furrows, incorrect amount of chest scales and micrometers of dread lengths. Never thought anything would be more pathetic than Indy's beard hairs or Stormtrooper teeth. :lol
What if someone said that your obsessive resolve to maintain Elite™ status--in spite of your Elite™-bashing--has been laid bare by your stubborn reluctance to pass on a less than Elite™ exclusive?
What if someone said that your obsessive resolve to maintain elite status--in spite of your elite-bashing--has been laid bare by your stubborn reluctance to pass on a less than elite exclusive?


Opulence, we hyez it.
We don't minds savings da monies,
but niet at da costs of beings da Elites™
No, I only mean people who are anti-Elite™ and still compelled to be Elite™.

If DC was buying the exclusive because it was good, and not because he has to make an effort to like it, then I would believe in his anti-Elite position. But he has to convince himself and be 'resolved' to get it. Just doesn't seem wholly genuine from where I'm standing. I think he should cancel his exclusive and get one for $15 less from a retailer.

That's kinda the point of an IED though. Cheap enough to make thousands with minimal cost and powerful enough to take out a team or a HUMVEE. It's like something FF would make while retreating in a HISS and toss on the side of the road to thwart pursuing Joes. :huh

Oh I know. I was just joshing. :nana:
What if someone said that your obsessive resolve to maintain Elite™ status--in spite of your Elite™-bashing--has been laid bare by your stubborn reluctance to pass on a less than Elite™ exclusive?

Am excellent point! However, it is one that is easily explained.

I am not an elitist...I am a completist. I always order one of each version just to have them for posterity. Then I always get a second exclusive to display.:)
I knew that Devil. I posted that with a smile...just forgot the emoticon.

I am very upset with my FedEx driver. Must be a FNG. He did not sign for and leave my Fireflies tonight. He left a door tag. But at least it has the option to sign it so that he might leave them tomorrow.
My goddamn card was declined because I forgot to update my account with my new bank card number and I didn't get a notification e-mail and had no idea until I manually checked my account tonight.

I'll get it fixed tomorrow, but ____ that's annoying.