SSC Firefly

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Re: Firefly?

I don't even know what to say: I'm just offering some tips from a project management and business communication perspective, and you're coming back at me with the argument that I somehow don't want you to have Firefly in a certain manner?

And never tell Sideshow that a certain amount of people "won't care" because companies will take the easy route and count those people against you.

I'm always up for people being passionate about something, but passionate and lazy is ridiculous.

I don't understand what you're asking of me? I told you I'm being proactive in trying to get SSC to consider my opinion, so not sure how I'm lazy...

And I'm more than willing to let my wallet do the talking as well. I also come from a business perspective and believe that a company would much prefer feedback than silence. Especially when there is probably 4-6 months before delivery to change the product before it causes a customer to walk.
Re: Firefly?

Don't listen to complacent people. It is not as if Sideshow is giving you this for free or even selling it at a bargin cost relative to the hobby. You have every right to demand a better product.

The problem is that Sideshow is aware/arrogant enough to know that it can cut corners and deliver a sub-par product while still seeing high demand with ever-increasing prices. The people who robotically buy these figures are simply enabling Sideshow's attitude when it comes to 1:6 figures in general.

Along those same lines, nobody's putting a gun to anybody's head and saying, "YOU WILL BUY THIS!" And I don't think a company full of arrogant jackasses would pitch about $75k in collectibles to people for free during an online celebration. I think it boils down to choices made by the creative team, for better or worse.
Re: Firefly?

Well, that would involve a LOT of effort though. It's easier for them to just to whine about it here. :lol

He comes with googles?! :horror

Seriously, though does it match the card art? No, and admittedly so. While all the drama queens would have you thinking otherwise, that figure does resemble Firefly. :rolleyes:

Dammit Nam... a couple of pages ago it looked like the Ice viper... make up your mind:lol
Re: Firefly?

I'll be ordering for sure, the lack of a painted balaclava is not enough to push me away from the figure as a whole.

Worse can scenario I hate it once in hand and I just send it back.
Re: Firefly?

Anyone thinking that this was some kind of ??????? move by Sideshow needs their head pulled out of their stinky brown cynicism. It was nothing more than a poorly considered design move (several poorly considered moves), the reasons for which could be myriad.
Re: Firefly?

Along those same lines, nobody's putting a gun to anybody's head and saying, "YOU WILL BUY THIS!" And I don't think a company full of arrogant jackasses would pitch about $75k in collectibles to people for free during an online celebration. I think it boils down to choices made by the creative team, for better or worse.

I don't have a problem with creativeness because 50% of the time I might like the surprise change. Even within this product I like 50% of their creative choices.

I'd also be fine understanding a creative difference where I might be in the minority. I wouldn't complain then.

The issue in this case appears that an overwhelming amount of feedback has been negative. I don't know how that translates outside the forum, but I can't imagine it being very different to the pervasive attitude here.

When SSC is faced with a huge backlash, I think they should swallow their pride and change it to how most people prefer. That would be the worst move on Sideshow's part, not listening to the complaints.
Re: Firefly?

The problem is that Sideshow is aware/arrogant enough to know that it can cut corners and deliver a sub-par product while still seeing high demand with ever-increasing prices. The people who robotically buy these figures are simply enabling Sideshow's attitude when it comes to 1:6 figures in general.

Going to have to disagree with you there. While the final product may not be up to everyone's expectations, I don't see Firefly as an amalgam of figures that have come previously in this line. Sure Firefly may have some of the same gear that Snake Eyes does, i.e. sidearm, and combat knife, but those are essentially stock items that any military unit would use.
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Re: Firefly?

Dammit Nam... a couple of pages ago it looked like the Ice viper... make up your mind:lol

:lol It resembles Firefly. It's the damn parka and the cammo pattern that make him look like the Ice Viper. My main gripe is the TMP. But I've resolved that issue. :huh

Going to have to disagree with you there. While the final product may not be up to everyone's expectations, I don't see Firefly as a amalgam of figures that have come previously in this line. Sure Firefly may have some of the same gear that Snake Eyes does, i.e. sidearm, and combat knife, but those are essentially stock items that any military unit would use.

Also to be fair, anybody who collected the RAH 3 3/4" figures knows that it wasn't uncommon for Hasbro to reuse gear, weapons and body parts for other figures. So it's not like this is new. At least Sideshow is giving us unique headsculpts with each masked figure.
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Re: Firefly?

:lol I hear you and agree but I don't think it resembles him enough. Its almost like if they made duke but slapped a beard on him and shaved his head bald but they figure its ok because the stubble is still blonde.

My biggest problem with it is the camo colors not right.
Re: Firefly?

I have too many biggest problems with it.

It's got me down, and that's the last thing I need right now. So ignore me while I blow this travesty of a design failure out of proportion, but I'll appreciate any credit I get for not ?????ing about it.
Re: Firefly?

:lol I hear you and agree but I don't think it resembles him enough. Its almost like if they made duke but slapped a beard on him and shaved his head bald but they figure its ok because the stubble is still blonde.

My biggest problem with it is the camo colors not right.

That analogy is failed on me. Firefly has always worn a balaclava though. You're making it sound like they put him in a Batman cowl. :rolleyes:

I don't have a problem with creativeness because 50% of the time I might like the surprise change. Even within this product I like 50% of their creative choices.

I'd also be fine understanding a creative difference where I might be in the minority. I wouldn't complain then.

The issue in this case appears that an overwhelming amount of feedback has been negative. I don't know how that translates outside the forum, but I can't imagine it being very different to the pervasive attitude here.

When SSC is faced with a huge backlash, I think they should swallow their pride and change it to how most people prefer. That would be the worst move on Sideshow's part, not listening to the complaints.

I know bud. My main gripe is the gun. Then the cammo pattern and the parka, in that order. From a bashing perspective, I'd rather have them leave him be, with the dark gray head vs. that gawdy winter cammo pattern painted all over the balaclava. Truth be told, the mods needed to get him where I want him will be far less, from both kit and price perspectives, than Snake Eyes or Storm Shadow, so I'm content.
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Re: Firefly?

That analogy is failed on me. Firefly has always worn a balaclava though. You're making it sound like they put him in a Batman cowl.

:lolI wasn't really an analogy ... I was just saying it to describe how I feel when I look at him. I've got the gun problem taken care of with a extra joker smg layin around. Now how are we gonna fix that camo issue?? :confused:
Re: Firefly?

Being that Redheads are statistically on a global decline SSC is preparing to introduce the first female character Scarlet of the Joe line - as a Brunette. :woo

Time to modernize this line :banghead
Re: Firefly?

:lolI wasn't really an analogy ... I was just saying it to describe how I feel when I look at him. I've got the gun problem taken care of with a extra joker smg layin around. Now how are we gonna fix that camo issue?? :confused:

Just about any 1:6 urban camo will work fine. Seems like some people have had the same idea. I tried to look up an example at a few of the places I was shopping around at last night, but people have snatched it all up. :lol
Re: Firefly?

Check out the beret they are thinking of giving Flint!


Or maybe one of these fabulous colors!
