SSC Firefly

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you guys ovbiously cant tell the difference between a photoshopped pic and the real thing because we just got a shippment of 24 fireflys today from SS. Who do you think breaks them down for TA. Ouch though why so much negativity?
you guys ovbiously cant tell the difference between a photoshopped pic and the real thing because we just got a shippment of 24 fireflys today from SS. Who do you think breaks them down for TA. Ouch though why so much negativity?

If that's the case then I apologize but he's still weeks from processing.

(but the backgrounds are still photoshopped :p)
yes the backgrounds are photoshopped I won't deny that...and all I was trying to do is generate some more interest in what I have to offer. Not start a whole thing about pimping out my product
Your backpack looks awesome. Makes the figure actually worth getting.
I meant I'm not trying to start a whole argumennt over me posting stuff to promote what I'm selling. If what I'm doing is pimping the isnt all advertisement pimping. I'm just offering this backpack because people are unhappy with the ss version so I thought I could offer an alternative to give them what they want. That's all if you don't like it that's cool.
I think the original style pack goes great with the original figure. The go pack that SS made goes better with their version of FF, IMHO of course.

How about more pics? Some unphotochopped ones.
you guys ovbiously cant tell the difference between a photoshopped pic and the real thing because we just got a shippment of 24 fireflys today from SS. Who do you think breaks them down for TA. Ouch though why so much negativity?

Looks good Ace, and I'll vouch for WiteKite. It's the real deal, they got them in today. :rock


here are the pics of the SS Firefly....and don't worry yourself how I got him.

Why are his eyes looking straight up?
Yes, we did get them in today, so commence with the apologies to Witekite. I personally took and photoshopped those pictures, so lighten up a bit. What's with all the attacking anyway. He has a lot of people interested in his work. At the least, you could offer constructive criticism. It's not like he posted these pictures in an out of place thread, and he has every right just like anyone else in these threads to show off and try to promote his work. You don't have to buy it, you don't have to read his post, you don't have to like it, but why can't you be nice. So many people can be so confrontational in these threads. I don't get it.
You guys need to learn to ignore the GI Joe Nazis. They are not relevant. Just get to breakin' me down some fireflies! There are some parts I want extras of!:)

And thanks for the pics! Cool that you guys got them in already!
Just considered it spam. Sure it might be nice, but it has it's own thread. The board would be even worse if every customizer whored out there stuff in every related thread.
I don't think the noggin's meant to be posed perfectly straight. I think the head's supposed to be tilted down/forward until he's looking straight ahead so he can seem menacing. :lol
Just considered it spam. Sure it might be nice, but it has it's own thread. The board would be even worse if every customizer whored out there stuff in every related thread.

You know, it's uses of words like Spam and whored??? Really??? Do you really need to be that negative. This kid is trying to get honest opinions about his work in order to improve his craft, and what better place to show it than in the DUH, Firefly thread??? Not everyone has the same opinion as you, and might appreciate knowing there's an opportunity to get the vintage style backpack since Sideshow didn't, and won't be doing it.
I like the custom backpack so I don't see what all the complaining is about. If he posts in the same thread 50 times then that would be a different story. But can we get some review on FF? Are his joints tight? Was his gear hard to put on? Info please.