SSC G.I. Joe Baroness

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As close as possible to the original figure > contemporary and tactical

:exactly: And as others have said, I hope the hair is swappable. Something like that is appropriate for a PF, but not really appropriate for an action figure.


A little confusing when people still refer to the SSC bodies as "Bucks".

That's so 2008.

And yet, you wanna go back. :lol
What? No skin tight latex outfit? Well that would actually be rather bad choice for an articulated toy. It would most likely be rather brittle. Though that doesn't look bad either.
Awesome. Saw this for the first time just now. Love that smirk, hope the rest of the head sculpt is as good.

Echoing previous posts, bring on Scarlett as well.
I expect it to be good, so far Sideshow's Joe stuff has had pretty awesome head sculpts (though there have been a few that I'm indifferent towards).
And yet, you wanna go back. :lol

Do you really think it costs more to manufacture the pro than the buck? (we're well past the point of needing to recoup "developement" costs.) And last I've seen you've begun _____ing over price increases too. :lol

:lol or was this post just another reason for you to troll again? :lol

I figured there was still another 6 hours between your lastest foot in mouth disappearing job and your next post. :cuckoo:
Do you really think it costs more to manufacture the pro than the buck? (we're well past the point of needing to recoup "developement" costs.) And last I've seen you've begun _____ing over price increases too. :lol

:lol or was this post just another reason for you to troll again? :lol

I figured there was still another 6 hours between your lastest foot in mouth disappearing job and your next post. :cuckoo:

I haven't put my foot in my mouth in a while. But apparently it's never too early to binge drink. Have you ever taken apart a Buck and a Pro? If you had, you'd have a ____ing clue what you're talking about. But as usual, you don't. There's more money involved in molding the Pro alone. :huh
I haven't put my foot in my mouth in a while. But apparently it's never too early to binge drink. Have you ever taken apart a Buck and a Pro? If you had, you'd have a ____ing clue what you're talking about. But as usual, you don't. There's more money involved in molding the Pro alone. :huh

Have you ever weighed the buck vs the pro? the buck uses way more plastic than the pro.

nice personal insult about drinking by the way. trolling reported.
Have you ever weighed the buck vs the pro? the buck uses way more plastic than the pro.

nice personal insult about drinking by the way. trolling reported.

You're the one trolling this into a flame war. And it doesn't change the fact that you're still wrong. The overall construction of the Pro is considerably more complex than the buck. More pieces too. And you don't like comments about your drinking, you shouldn't drink and troll. :huh
excuse me ,sorry prometheus. hope she has staight hair too, and a ass.


So far, her proportions look fine; she looks athletic and not so much like a stripper.

I wish they ditched the leather straps and used webbing with good ole' fastex buckles. Baroness along with Zartan are starting to look like D&D characters.

BUT WHATEVER! I can live cause it looks great so far.

I think the odds are good for a full reveal sooner rather than later, yes.


You're probably right GUNM!

I'm in San Diego and sadly I wasn't able to acquire passes to SDCC 2012. It's been a yearly ritual thing. Guess I'll have to wait for someone like Josh or IC to post pictures on their blog. Wish I can see her and falcon in person.
Well, at least Falcon will likely be In Stock and ready for shipment when the orders start, so you'll see him in person for sure.
I wish they ditched the leather straps and used webbing with good ole' fastex buckles. Baroness along with Zartan are starting to look like D&D characters.

BUT WHATEVER! I can live cause it looks great so far.

In the last SDCC Joe Panel they had (2010?), Tom Gilliand said that they were moving away from the straight military type figures to those with a more fantastical look. I was slightly disappointed with that, but Zartan is awesome, and Baroness looks great so far.
You're the one trolling this into a flame war. And it doesn't change the fact that you're still wrong. The overall construction of the Pro is considerably more complex than the buck. More pieces too. And you don't like comments about your drinking, you shouldn't drink and troll. :huh

You took a comment about the name of the body style and turned it into a perverse amusement for you to REHASH how I don't like $130 figures. What for? Personal amusement. Thats trolling. No other reason to do it.

You are a bully. Plain and simple. Stop bullying me and we don't have problems. Stop commenting on my posts with comments about drinking or anything to do with my personal life or whatever you suppose it to be. Its none of your business, nor anyone else's.

Some of your friends may want step in and restrain you before they see you go bye bye.
I'm not yours to play games with. So just stop.
You took a comment about the name of the body style and turned it into a perverse amusement for you to REHASH how I don't like $130 figures. What for? Personal amusement. Thats trolling. No other reason to do it.

You are a bully. Plain and simple. Stop bullying me and we don't have problems. Stop commenting on my posts with comments about drinking or anything to do with my personal life or whatever you suppose it to be. Its none of your business, nor anyone else's.

Some of your friends may want step in and restrain you before they see you go bye bye.
I'm not yours to play games with. So just stop.

No, I very normally pointed out that you're always suggesting Sideshow go back to the buck. There was no perverse amusement there. Everybody's seen you post that, incessantly posting about a time when figures were Buck-based and $45 and desiring for Sideshow to return to that time. Nobody is making this up. Then, as is typical when you've been drinking (which also isn't a fabrication), you blew it way out of context, found some non-intended meaning to start trolling my posts making bull____ accusations and namecalling. Go back and read what you've posted. You're the troll here Prog, not I.
Re: SSC Baroness

Brown??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Hope that is just lighting, outfit should be all back.

But of course it's a order.

GIJoe gets new female body before Star Wars. lulz
Hope she has multiple sculpted hair so it isn't blowing in the wind all the time.

Looks like weathering....

GI Joe should get the first Female release. Really, the female figures in the GI Joe line should be better sellers than SW... What is there outside of Padme and Leia? Mon Mothma? :lol
Re: SSC Baroness

Looks like weathering....

GI Joe should get the first Female release. Really, the female figures in the GI Joe line should be better sellers than SW... What is there outside of Padme and Leia? Mon Mothma? :lol

Kinda wish Star Wars had gotten it though. Work out all the bugs on people who will no doubt hate it and nitpick it for the smallest of reasons but buy it anyway. Then, when the Female Pro is perfected, use it for the Joes. If Baroness is a floppy marionette like Indy was, none of us will be happy (well, except for Josh).
No, I very normally pointed out that you're always suggesting Sideshow go back to the buck. There was no perverse amusement there. Everybody's seen you post that, incessantly posting about a time when figures were Buck-based and $45 and desiring for Sideshow to return to that time. Nobody is making this up. Then, as is typical when you've been drinking (which also isn't a fabrication), you blew it way out of context, found some non-intended meaning to start trolling my posts making bull____ accusations and namecalling. Go back and read what you've posted. You're the troll here Prog, not I.

This is all going to come out in the wash for whichever mod is so lucky to get this assignment, but even in this above post you can't refrain from making baseless remarks about me personally.

I'm sorry, but I don't put up with being called a crazy drunk, nor being called out for being cheap on every thread. You're bullying. Just stop it. If you continue then you will get PMs to ask you to stop despite your desire to be allowed to continue to berate me without confrontation. Going forward I will CC a mod when I do it.

In the history of our confrontations, you have always been the instigator. I just don't sit and take it like some of your victims and you can't stand that. Sorry.

With that, I am done, sorry for wasting everyone's time with this. Tried to handle it over PM, but also felt like I needed to publicly stand my ground.