SSC Green Lantern 1/6 Figure

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Well, let's keep perspective. The design hasn't reinterpreted anything really visually in terms of the original design of the character as immediately recognizable. It's the fabric choices and the decisions to use texture that is causing a bit of the uproar. It's not like they completely redesigned the costume. Remember in the initial video there were 5 Supermen and 6 Batmen, including First Appearances, Silver Age, New 52. I would imagine that you'll see "more classic" with the FAs but with the New 52 there isn't anything to stop them from completing going on their own artistic license. The thing is it's still Hal, just not the suit anyone was expecting and it's the price point that has people railing, almost everyone who mentions the costume isn't really focusing there, they are focusing on the fact that it doesn't seem to be worth what is being asked of it.

There will be another GL for sure. There are 4 Earth GLs (5 if you're willing to count Simon) and all 4 are really popular. The question is when/if they'll be another Hal. I would imagine Parallax will get done somewhere too since that was a big event for the DCU but that won't offer Hal fans "another shot"

I wonder if SSC would go the HT route and make "expansions?" A pack full of constructs for example to sell if people wanted them. They could have in theory done that. Included multiple sculpts, accessories, smaller constructs and then went into an pack for bigger more impressive ones. I wonder what the price would be on those though...

You seem very optimistic for this lines longevity – personally i'm not so sure... I can see it going the way of G.I. Joe if this figure and Flash are poor sellers.
Hey guys it could be worse they could be using this comic version ImageUploadedByTapatalk1427069828.185758.jpg I mean would you rather a textured suit or green arrows hoodie and Marvels infinity gauntlet? haha
What's funny is the introduction of Kyle Rayner and how it was done was something changed at the "last minute"

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It definitely polarized GL fans, for me I loved Hal, was meh towards John (although Mosaic wasn't bad) and never cared for Guy. Kyle definitely gave a new point to hang on to and was a good GL but personally I felt like after Johns resurrected Hal, Kyle was watered down and become more of a afterthought.
There will be another GL for sure. There are 4 Earth GLs (5 if you're willing to count Simon) and all 4 are really popular. The question is when/if they'll be another Hal. I would imagine Parallax will get done somewhere too since that was a big event for the DCU but that won't offer Hal fans "another shot"

I wonder if SSC would go the HT route and make "expansions?" A pack full of constructs for example to sell if people wanted them. They could have in theory done that. Included multiple sculpts, accessories, smaller constructs and then went into an pack for bigger more impressive ones. I wonder what the price would be on those though...


Hard to believe I'm posting this, but . . .

I wouldn't mind a SDCC exclusive two figure pack offering featuring a 1:6 Abin Sur with all proper accessories and a 1:6 test pilot Hal Jordan so we can recreate (within reason) how Abin Sur passed along the power ring to Hal.

I would love to see a 1:6 Kilowag and Katma Tui.
You seem very optimistic for this lines longevity – personally i'm not so sure... I can see it going the way of G.I. Joe if this figure and Flash are poor sellers.

I'm telling you. SSC will go down kicking and screaming with this line. I remember chats in 2006 with the CEO where people were asking "Are you going to get DC" and the response "We are trying!" They've been actively after this thing for so long, they won't bow out so quickly. Plus Star Wars is being done by HT and people are already drawing the line with SSC stuff in comparison, without SW there isn't a big 1:6 line for them. Marvel and DC are supposed to be the new cornerstones of this format. SSC isn't just going to let is drop and say "Oh well we'll just do statues"

Hey guys it could be worse they could be using this comic version View attachment 174443 I mean would you rather a textured suit or green arrows hoodie and Marvels infinity gauntlet? haha

Oh. I can't wait for SSC's BatChappie or their Warrior Wondy or the t-shirt Supes.
You seem very optimistic for this lines longevity – personally i'm not so sure... I can see it going the way of G.I. Joe if this figure and Flash are poor sellers.


Sideshow has a more vested stake money wise in the DC license compared to the GI JOE license and will dedicate what they deem as applicable resources.

The GI JOE line had a good run in terms of what was produced, but it died a sad death in terms of abandonment like some other product lines.
Well, let's keep perspective. The design hasn't reinterpreted anything really visually in terms of the original design of the character as immediately recognizable. It's the fabric choices and the decisions to use texture that is causing a bit of the uproar. It's not like they completely redesigned the costume. Remember in the initial video there were 5 Supermen and 6 Batmen, including First Appearances, Silver Age, New 52. I would imagine that you'll see "more classic" with the FAs but with the New 52 there isn't anything to stop them from completing going on their own artistic license. The thing is it's still Hal, just not the suit anyone was expecting and it's the price point that has people railing, almost everyone who mentions the costume isn't really focusing there, they are focusing on the fact that it doesn't seem to be worth what is being asked of it.

There will be another GL for sure. There are 4 Earth GLs (5 if you're willing to count Simon) and all 4 are really popular. The question is when/if they'll be another Hal. I would imagine Parallax will get done somewhere too since that was a big event for the DCU but that won't offer Hal fans "another shot"

I wonder if SSC would go the HT route and make "expansions?" A pack full of constructs for example to sell if people wanted them. They could have in theory done that. Included multiple sculpts, accessories, smaller constructs and then went into an pack for bigger more impressive ones. I wonder what the price would be on those though...

You have a good memory! Forgot about that video of all the upcoming Batman and Superman figures. To me the fabric/texture choice is the artistic interpretation. I don't know, they wanted it shiny and made it shiny unfortunately. If it was the costume I wanted, I would buy it at $220 with a $20 code.

As for the expansion idea... YES PLEASE. I would buy them all.
--The GI JOE line had a good run in terms of what was produced, but it died a sad death in terms of abandonment like some other product lines.

Was very disappointed with that,especially the abandonment considering what was in the cards/planned for more figures

Yes and no Matt.

The negativity and vitriol was building and at a boiling point and/or overflowed prior to you chiming in.

I posted this before, but I suspect you chimed in by posting to save face and/or to stop a critical hemorrhage.

It’s been quite a while since someone from Sideshow of your stature actually chimed in an active discussion. In the grand scheme of things, your chiming was not out of genuine respect or sincerity, but purely business driven to placate the defenders of the GL and Sideshow for the most part.

You’re more or less in a damned if you and damned if you don’t position so to speak. In some respects, I believe your participation may have worsened the discussion to an extent, but it’s moot right now.

Some of your posts/replies come off snide and snippy, but then again many posts/replies within this discussion by others including myself come off the same way.

Regardless of how everyone feels about the figure, it is what it is right, wrong, or indifferent. There are those who believe otherwise, but I echo the belief and sentiment your posts/replies come off as PR releases/statements given the negativity surrounding this figure.

No one wants intentionally or indirectly chase away any company representative chiming in; however, the bad feelings have been building up prior to GL and the circumstances/situation was not favorable by any means.

DFC - I did not come on the forum to save face nor to stop any critical hemorrhage. Lantern is selling fine - regardless of me on here or not.

I mentioned a few times I wasn't here to justify the figure, the suit, the price, the NRD, etc. I suppose any statement I make on the 'Sideshow Freaks' forum can be interpreted as business driven, but I don't see it that way. I came on here initially to clear up a question about the lantern illuminating. I then received questions to which I responded to objectively, not with sincerity, but with honesty while attempting to validate people opinions - regardless of positive or negative. I do not believe I was placating defenders of the figures, nor those who chose to criticize. Instead, I think I actually defended peoples right to criticize more than anything.

If you interpreted my posts as snide or snippy, that is unfortunate as that was not how they were meant to be delivered.

As someone who works at Sideshow, there is a certain decorum I must maintain if I choose to address or respond to something publicly on the boards. I think if you and I talked off the record, I could paint with more colors - but publicly the only colors I have are black and white...and a little grey occasionally.

I bid you all a good evening and that is meant with sincerity.
DFC - I did not come on the forum to save face nor to stop any critical hemorrhage. Lantern is selling fine - regardless of me on here or not.

I mentioned a few times I wasn't here to justify the figure, the suit, the price, the NRD, etc. I suppose any statement I make on the 'Sideshow Freaks' forum can be interpreted as business driven, but I don't see it that way. I came on here initially to clear up a question about the lantern illuminating. I then received questions to which I responded to objectively, not with sincerity, but with honesty while attempting to validate people opinions - regardless of positive or negative. I do not believe I was placating defenders of the figures, nor those who chose to criticize. Instead, I think I actually defended peoples right to criticize more than anything.

If you interpreted my posts as snide or snippy, that is unfortunate as that was not how they were meant to be delivered.

As someone who works at Sideshow, there is a certain decorum I must maintain if I choose to address or respond to something publicly on the boards. I think if you and I talked off the record, I could paint with more colors - but publicly the only colors I have are black and white...and a little grey occasionally.

I bid you all a good evening and that is meant with sincerity.

Matt I think most people appreciate you coming on here to clear things up or provide what answers you can. I don't think your obligated to address everyone's concerns or to defend yourself so when you see something like that I hope it doesn't drive you off. I don't speak for everyone but I think most people here would agree that it's nice sometimes to just know that our questions/concerns are actually heard and it's not just us spouting off into the void.
I appreciate Matt's input as well. I'm going to SDCC this year for the first time, and I'm looking forward to meeting everyone I can from SS. It'll be cool to be able to put a face to the name.
DFC - I did not come on the forum to save face nor to stop any critical hemorrhage. Lantern is selling fine - regardless of me on here or not.

I mentioned a few times I wasn't here to justify the figure, the suit, the price, the NRD, etc. I suppose any statement I make on the 'Sideshow Freaks' forum can be interpreted as business driven, but I don't see it that way. I came on here initially to clear up a question about the lantern illuminating. I then received questions to which I responded to objectively, not with sincerity, but with honesty while attempting to validate people opinions - regardless of positive or negative. I do not believe I was placating defenders of the figures, nor those who chose to criticize. Instead, I think I actually defended peoples right to criticize more than anything.

If you interpreted my posts as snide or snippy, that is unfortunate as that was not how they were meant to be delivered.

As someone who works at Sideshow, there is a certain decorum I must maintain if I choose to address or respond to something publicly on the boards. I think if you and I talked off the record, I could paint with more colors - but publicly the only colors I have are black and white...and a little grey occasionally.

I bid you all a good evening and that is meant with sincerity.

"I could paint with more colors" :rotfl Great line, would love to see that conversation.

As I said, it is nice to here some answers and replies from you.

Yes Matt, your input here is greatly appreciated. Please don't get scared off by a few of the more vocal negative Nancies. I hope you don't feel you have to defend Sideshow or yourself on here. Any behind the scenes insight and participation by anyone involved at Sideshow is always a treat and we hope your time here only gets better.

To everyone else, we've beaten the subject to death. If you don't like the figure, please move on. You've been heard loud and clear. And please, treat each other with respect, regardless if they work for Sideshow. Everyone should be treated fairly and kindly on this board.
Quite possibly the worst thread of all time, highlighted by some of the worst posts of all time.

I think I'm going to buy this figure now, just to piss people off :lol

I thought this thread was rather entertaining and filled with great, sometime snipe/snarky debate, but all in all it was nice to actually debate/discuss something instead of scrolling through jokes and over used gifs.
What debate took place? All I saw was whining from those that didn't get things the way they feel they should've been, backed up with baseless facts from people who pretend like they know what it takes to manufacture something like this.

The amount of crap posted here was laughable.
DFC - I did not come on the forum to save face nor to stop any critical hemorrhage. Lantern is selling fine - regardless of me on here or not.

I mentioned a few times I wasn't here to justify the figure, the suit, the price, the NRD, etc. I suppose any statement I make on the 'Sideshow Freaks' forum can be interpreted as business driven, but I don't see it that way. I came on here initially to clear up a question about the lantern illuminating. I then received questions to which I responded to objectively, not with sincerity, but with honesty while attempting to validate people opinions - regardless of positive or negative. I do not believe I was placating defenders of the figures, nor those who chose to criticize. Instead, I think I actually defended peoples right to criticize more than anything.

If you interpreted my posts as snide or snippy, that is unfortunate as that was not how they were meant to be delivered.

As someone who works at Sideshow, there is a certain decorum I must maintain if I choose to address or respond to something publicly on the boards. I think if you and I talked off the record, I could paint with more colors - but publicly the only colors I have are black and white...and a little grey occasionally.

I bid you all a good evening and that is meant with sincerity.

I still want to know why the GI Joe line had to end since you were a big part of that :)