SSC Green Lantern 1/6 Figure

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What debate took place? All I saw was whining from those that didn't get things the way they feel they should've been, backed up with baseless facts from people who pretend like they know what it takes to manufacture something like this.

The amount of crap posted here was laughable.

Im not going to argue with you whether or not a debate took place. Give people some credit, they know more than you might think...
DFC - I did not come on the forum to save face nor to stop any critical hemorrhage. Lantern is selling fine - regardless of me on here or not.

I mentioned a few times I wasn't here to justify the figure, the suit, the price, the NRD, etc. I suppose any statement I make on the 'Sideshow Freaks' forum can be interpreted as business driven, but I don't see it that way. I came on here initially to clear up a question about the lantern illuminating. I then received questions to which I responded to objectively, not with sincerity, but with honesty while attempting to validate people opinions - regardless of positive or negative. I do not believe I was placating defenders of the figures, nor those who chose to criticize. Instead, I think I actually defended peoples right to criticize more than anything.

If you interpreted my posts as snide or snippy, that is unfortunate as that was not how they were meant to be delivered.

As someone who works at Sideshow, there is a certain decorum I must maintain if I choose to address or respond to something publicly on the boards. I think if you and I talked off the record, I could paint with more colors - but publicly the only colors I have are black and white...and a little grey occasionally.

I bid you all a good evening and that is meant with sincerity.
Thankyou for taking time out of your weekend to answer questions regarding this product.

The fact that you dealt with constant whining, from the same three people, with class and patients should be applauded.
To then be accused of being 'Snippy/Snidey' is unbelievable.

Some people need a reality check. A whole weekend crying about a little plastic figure? :slap

You deserve a medal, all I can offer is 48, well deserved, Rep points :duff
What's funny is the introduction of Kyle Rayner and how it was done was something changed at the "last minute"

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It definitely polarized GL fans, for me I loved Hal, was meh towards John (although Mosaic wasn't bad) and never cared for Guy. Kyle definitely gave a new point to hang on to and was a good GL but personally I felt like after Johns resurrected Hal, Kyle was watered down and become more of a afterthought.
I expected Johns to just kill Kyle off, so at least he didn't do that. . .which would have required a retcon a few months later when they decided to revive him (as always happens).

If SSC makes a Guy Gardner and G'Nort, I'll probably have to buy.
I expected Johns to just kill Kyle off, so at least he didn't do that. . .which would have required a retcon a few months later when they decided to revive him (as always happens).

If SSC makes a Guy Gardner and G'Nort, I'll probably have to buy.

They did kill him off (I'm unsure if it was Johns specifically) but it lasted one whole issue during Blackest Night. It was ridiculous.
Thanks again Matt for the input!!!
From what I can tell, other than the texture, the design looks based on the look that was see in GL: Rebirth and after:

That said, considering when that style started to show up in the comics, I think it actually fits in fine with the line so far. For me, the SSC Batman looks a lot like his Hush appearance. And Supes still had the look with the red trunks at that point, so I (in my opinion) don't think that the GL "interpretation" has strayed any further than the others.
Personally, although I grew up with the earlier versions of Hal Jordan, I actually prefer this look (without the green part extending lower down over his groin/butt). I think the other issue causing conflict on these threads, is between the folks who are also customizers/kitbashers/creaters, vs the ones who aren't.
Those who have the ability, and the budget, can make excellent, almost perfect figures (based on some of the pics I've seen). It's really no surprise, if those collectors feel that the massed-produced items should be more perfect, or much better than they are out-of-box, and therefore have "higher standards" for lack of a better description.
On the other hand, you have folks like myself, who don't have the ability/skill to customize, and therefore have to be happy with what comes in the box. Maybe we don't have the same "standards".
Because I don't have a shelf/drawer filled with unused bodies, headsculpts, costumes, etc to customize with, I buy based on what I want in my collection, regardless of the manufacturer. I do like Sideshow, not because of everything they've ever made, but because the figures they made which I liked, I bought, and I've been happy with. Same goes for HT, or Toynami, or Takara/Tomy, or InFlames, or whoever. Sure, the increase in price of the years sucks, but at the same time, it's funny how price tolerance changes as well. There was a time, when all of my collectibles were $85 or less, and I couldn't imagine paying over $100 for something. Now, $200 seems to be going rate, not just for 1:6 scale, but also for things like Transformers.

Unfortunately as I think someone mentioned a few pages back, some of us buy a figure, NOT because we are diehard SSC Fans, but because we love the character and want a representation on our shelves. I'm buying this GL, because I think the DCD 13' figures look a little too "toy-like", and I don't have any other options for a 1:6 comic-inspired Green Lantern. I actually believe that we won't see a better version for quite a while. Even on that news clip, Hot Toys specifically said that their direction is to make movie/tv characters, so we won't see comic-inspired figures from them.
SSC Supes was HATED before people received him in-hand, and some still hate him, but I know that I was one of the first non-reviewers to receive/post pics of him, and I do believe that my pics (among others) really illustrated the difference between in-hand, and poorly shot/badly-lit review and promo pics.
I can only hope that this Green Lantern looks as good to me in-hand, as Supes did.
On the other hand, maybe it'll be my first regret... :pray:
Show us your Green Lantern that is created solely by you. Not using any parts from any other manufacturer.
This thread is being monitored and posts that are just rehashing old opinions are being deleted.
Ugh, seriously? Honestly we get it, enough is enough. Why not just stay out of this thread?

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The more you tell people to stop, the more they keep on going. No body likes to be told what to do. People that are in favor of this figure are just as bad as the ones that are against it.

There isn't anything wrong with discussing the figure but a lot of the points have already been made. If people don't like it that's fine, it doesn't make them HT Fanboys or Anti-SSC (unless they say that I guess) just like those who like it aren't all of a sudden sheeple just following along. You won't get people to stop, we just need people to not cross the line with personal attacks or downright badgering.

I'm all for those who don't like to continue documenting what they'd do and I'm sure when this one is released we'll see it pour in again with Tony's suits and other customs and tweaks but as it stands the horse is dead and we just keep beating it.

Given that this is the first "departure" from SSC really in terms of look where it was recognizable but still artistic similar to the Joes and Batman, Catwoman, Superman, The Joker and Harley (minus the corset) were more classic, I'm interested to see what is next. Looking back I'm a bit surprised the ones we've gotten weren't more idealized and hell Wonder Woman almost screams for licenses to reinterpret her, putting things like armor or changing the shorts to pants or a skirt, every artist on her book seems to be making her design their own, so I'm wondering just how far it'll go.
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A new Code of Conduct for the forum is coming. Disrespecting other members, forum mods and collectible creators will not be tolerated.
Thanks again Matt for the input!!!
From what I can tell, other than the texture, the design looks based on the look that was see in GL: Rebirth and after:
View attachment 174536

That said, considering when that style started to show up in the comics, I think it actually fits in fine with the line so far. For me, the SSC Batman looks a lot like his Hush appearance. And Supes still had the look with the red trunks at that point, so I (in my opinion) don't think that the GL "interpretation" has strayed any further than the others.
Personally, although I grew up with the earlier versions of Hal Jordan, I actually prefer this look (without the green part extending lower down over his groin/butt). I think the other issue causing conflict on these threads, is between the folks who are also customizers/kitbashers/creaters, vs the ones who aren't.
Those who have the ability, and the budget, can make excellent, almost perfect figures (based on some of the pics I've seen). It's really no surprise, if those collectors feel that the massed-produced items should be more perfect, or much better than they are out-of-box, and therefore have "higher standards" for lack of a better description.
On the other hand, you have folks like myself, who don't have the ability/skill to customize, and therefore have to be happy with what comes in the box. Maybe we don't have the same "standards".
Because I don't have a shelf/drawer filled with unused bodies, headsculpts, costumes, etc to customize with, I buy based on what I want in my collection, regardless of the manufacturer. I do like Sideshow, not because of everything they've ever made, but because the figures they made which I liked, I bought, and I've been happy with. Same goes for HT, or Toynami, or Takara/Tomy, or InFlames, or whoever. Sure, the increase in price of the years sucks, but at the same time, it's funny how price tolerance changes as well. There was a time, when all of my collectibles were $85 or less, and I couldn't imagine paying over $100 for something. Now, $200 seems to be going rate, not just for 1:6 scale, but also for things like Transformers.

Unfortunately as I think someone mentioned a few pages back, some of us buy a figure, NOT because we are diehard SSC Fans, but because we love the character and want a representation on our shelves. I'm buying this GL, because I think the DCD 13' figures look a little too "toy-like", and I don't have any other options for a 1:6 comic-inspired Green Lantern. I actually believe that we won't see a better version for quite a while. Even on that news clip, Hot Toys specifically said that their direction is to make movie/tv characters, so we won't see comic-inspired figures from them.
SSC Supes was HATED before people received him in-hand, and some still hate him, but I know that I was one of the first non-reviewers to receive/post pics of him, and I do believe that my pics (among others) really illustrated the difference between in-hand, and poorly shot/badly-lit review and promo pics.
I can only hope that this Green Lantern looks as good to me in-hand, as Supes did.
On the other hand, maybe it'll be my first regret... :pray:

I have a different opinion. I think those who are not able to fix figures, or sew uniforms would be the most opposed to this figure as it is now--because they would be stuck with it. On the other hand, those who are able to sculpt, sew, would not be phased by this attempt. They would just fix it. In short, those unable to fix it(make the figure better )would be the must upset with the figure as it is now.
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A new Code of Conduct for the forum is coming. Disrespecting other members, forum mods and collectible creators will not be tolerated.

Okay, I'm all for the policing, but respect is a vague notion, at best, so I don't know how you're going to do that. It's just a question of personal interpretation.

If I refer to what's been posted in here, I've seen an endless, pointless and boring discussion that took place for too long, but I don't think I've seen disrespect! If having contrary opinion to a politically correct opinion, and I'm not just talking about this particular thread, is disrespect, then, you're gonna have to handle a lot of disrespect...:(
I know this figure comes down to personal taste and creative license. I do like it. I like Green Lantern, period. Besides, we might get another GL down the road, and maybe more of a classic outfit. I see both sides of the argument though. I think SSC would sell more GL's based on a classic design. Ultimate sales will tell them this. I think this will sell ok.
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I have a different opinion. I think those who are not able to fix figures, or sew uniforms would be the most opposed to this figure as it is now--because they would be stuck with it. On the other hand, those who are able to sculpt, sew, would not be phased by this attempt. They would just fix it. In short, those unable to fix it(make the figure better )would be the must upset with the figure as it is now.


That is true.

Most of us would prefer immediate/instant gratification out of the box when it comes to the figures without having the redo/replace what it came with asides from "futzing" around with it.

For those who have the skill and talent to sew (i.e. outfits) and sculpt (i.e. head sculpts), opportunities await them and there will be anxious/eager potential customers for them.
^ So now SS has yet another strike against them because they didn't create a figure that could be easily broken down by Toy Anxiety? :lol That's just ridiculous. As if that should ever be a consideration for any collectible company to begin with.

Most of us would prefer immediate/instant gratification out of the box when it comes to the figures without having the redo/replace what it came with asides from "futzing" around with it.

For those who have the skill and talent to sew (i.e. outfits) and sculpt (i.e. head sculpts), opportunities await them and there will be anxious/eager potential customers for them.

It's not even a preference. A good number of us don't have those skills. A lot of modifiers say "Oh this is easy" or "Just do this" but in reality for me I just look at a way to screw up a $200 figure. For me I have to like it out of the box or else there isn't something else. There is a lot of people who are in that exact boat. That's where I think a lot of the frustration came from with Superman. Sure people made it look great but for folks like me it has to be open and happy. The problem here is that it is more expensive.

I like it (my wife hates it and doesn't understand why I like it :lol) but I'm personally not willing to pay the NRD and then cross my fingers. If it ships and comes out like Batman I'll be the first to order. If not, it comes out more like Superman where people had to futz it hard then I will unfortunately have to pass.

Customs can really get pricey so that isn't a real option for a lot of us either.

I'm angry because now I have to buy this turkey. I can't even sell the parts I don't want. Sideshow really wanted people seeing red with this one.

If you really dislike it this much why buy it? Just to have a GL? I mean people made a good move of the DCD GL onto a Sideshow body, isn't that one of the things you were planning to try? I don't really see how your hand is being forced on this one just because it isn't being broken down. If you don't like it then why not pass and wait for the next GL or Hal variant if they do one?
The right fist with the ring on it. That's all I wanted from this set. I'm making my own constructs. Like boxing glove and hammer. But it's hard to sculpt a tiny ring on a finger. I'll try to force myself not to buy this. And try to sculpt that bloody ring.

The DCD hands are useless for other bodies outside of DCD.
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If you really dislike it this much why buy it? Just to have a GL? I mean people made a good move of the DCD GL onto a Sideshow body, isn't that one of the things you were planning to try? I don't really see how your hand is being forced on this one just because it isn't being broken down. If you don't like it then why not pass and wait for the next GL or Hal variant if they do one?


This is a point/rationale that is difficult to explain in terms of context at times.

As awkward as it sounds, even though some dislike the figure as is will end up biting the bullet and ordering because "they don't want to miss out".

I know that sounds awkward and downright ludicrous and stupid in many/some respects, but it's true.

I don't necessarily believe everyone expects any/all figures to be broken down and sold loose, but our hobby has accommodated such trends over the past few years where mainstream releases are regularly broken down and sold loose by some retailers due to choice/premium parts commanding premium prices depending on the figure.

Sometimes figures that didn't sell well boxed end up selling well broken down by the retailer.

I don't necessarily buy loose and bits and pieces with any regularity because I too am one of those who prefer to get it all as a boxed figure in the first go around.
I'm angry because now I have to buy this turkey. I can't even sell the parts I don't want. Sideshow really wanted people seeing red with this one.

Sorry, unless this figure is priced more realistically, or gets discounted somewhere i'm not buying. I'll just cross my fingers that SSC make a better version down the line, whether that be John Stewart, Kyle Rayner or Guy Gardner... as long as I can put a GL in my league that I like, i'll be happy.
Alright I decided to not buy this figure. I may have to latter pay a crazy price on eBay for the right fist latter down the road but it will be a lot cheaper than buying a figure were most if it sits in a tote with my scraps.
I suspect that it could be going on clearance or parted out on ebay later on. At that price point I don't think it would hurt to wait & see. Just my personal experience based on my lessons learned for these types of figures.