SSC Helmeted Cobra Commander

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Makes sense. Its very apparent to long time Sideshow customers the company isn't what it used to be.
Company does seem to have moved far away from the one I started dealing with during the Platoon Line.

Designs are hit/miss though. I think Blood looks great and this CC could look better if they had added the stirrups and did a better job with presentation of the reveal.
I'm a huge fan of COBRA, so unfortunately I had to get this. I do agree he looks great in some pics, not so much in others. I'm hoping to get 2 of these eventually to show off the 'cloth' helmet version. At $175 however...I may need to just get an extra outfit from monkeydepot instead.
FYI, not to stoke the fires any, and I'm sure I'll get heat for this, but at least 20 people have left Sideshow since I left, most at the management level with many decades of experience. I still have friends there and wish them the best, but it is most definitely not the same company that I started with.

:goodpost::exactly::lecture Yup, that says EVERYTHING about what is wrong with Sideshow.

Between this and what we've been hearing from authorized seller's like TA they are pretty much ensuring the demise of the hobby themselves.
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:goodpost::exactly::lecture Yup, that says EVERYTHING about what is wrong with Sideshow.

Between this and what we've been hearing from authorized seller's like TA they are pretty much ensuring the demise of the hobby themselves.

What did TA say?

I don't see Sideshow closing up shop..(just yet)..higher prices will be the demise I think
They have been severly limiting orders by their authorized resellers in an attempt to bring lost business by customers who have been buying elsewhere at a discount back to Sideshow.
They have been severly limiting orders by their authorized resellers in an attempt to bring lost business by customers who have been buying elsewhere at a discount back to Sideshow.

I am sure they are still making good profit though from their resellers considering that having resellers to sell their product is still a good thing

I have a friend who told me that having store resellers to buy his product helps overall sales and is important overall in continuing making more product

If it is bothering Sideshow so much....why not just sell Directly only and have no authorized resellers
FYI, not to stoke the fires any, and I'm sure I'll get heat for this, but at least 20 people have left Sideshow since I left, most at the management level with many decades of experience. I still have friends there and wish them the best, but it is most definitely not the same company that I started with.

Thanks for the insight Q, kind of makes sense.
The biggest wake-up call for me that Sideshow is a completely different company is the fact that they no longer guarantee products free of defects. The new "return it or accept a $30 giftcard" policy is total garbage IMO.
The biggest wake-up call for me that Sideshow is a completely different company is the fact that they no longer guarantee products free of defects. The new "return it or accept a $30 giftcard" policy is total garbage IMO.

And the sad irony is, that's still the best offered in the industry. :monkey1
He seems kind of gimpy, maybe the helmet is too small?

I Kind of feel like some of the best Joe figures were the earlier ones. I never bought past Zartan and Firefly and Snake Eyes are still my two faves.

This hobby seems to be losing speed, dunno what it is, but I feel the caché that it one had isn't there anymore. But I dont have the same excitement as I used to.