I just got a CC chrome dome sculpt and I gotta say, sideshow really cheated us (in my opinion). I was really let down to ind out that the sculpt itself is pretty much a black head shape (almost looks like a square to me) with a chrome shield in the front! Couldn't they have come up with something better than that?? I remember CC pretty much having an enclosed chrom mask with a helmet to top it off. This thing really looks lame (once again my opinion). Plus, why is it so damn huge?!
Okay, I acknowledge a lot of people here are plenty satisfied, but I'm almost dead sure they would be way more happy with a more cartoon type helmet/mask.
First release (as much as people dislike it) seemed to show some promise. This one had the chance to blow it out the water. While the costume does look good, they really dropped the ball with the sculpt.