SSC Luke Skywalker Snowspeeder Pilot Sixth Scale Figure

Collector Freaks Forum

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4 posts in an hour... hmmmmmm...

Is anyone preordering this? Or are we all just waiting for the in-hand pics in about a year?

I nine months I should have plenty of reward points to get this at a price I could live with.....
$240 is the new base price for a figure and while their products have improved dramatically since the $50 days or Jedi Luke, there is just no reason the figures should be this high.

Only their heads (and I guess their bodies, though many would argue otherwise) have improved - outfits are better, not dramatically better, but armor, accessories, weapons etc. are about the same.

Yeah but the British Parliament votes on barring Trump from the country, then the next order of business was to further lift restrictions on hate Imams and Jihadis.:dunno:lol

I was just doing some research for fun. Interesting to see in some pictures it looks like he has puffier polar pants on and others the regular flight suit legs (boots look thicker in some too). Maybe those were for the polar outdoor shoots and the thinner ones for stage shoots.

I don't think the face looks very good though revisiting these.

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Hamill was wearing thermal under garments on location, so you notice the pants and boots are "fat" where he's in actual cold, but thin and baggy in studio.
Had this figure been around $200 (as it should have been based on the Hoth figs - ignoring the Luke X price insanity) it would have been great to have gotten a Wedge for around $180 with a single headsculpt. Same goes for Luke X - another pilot or two with unique helmets would have been cool, but not at these prices.

Days of 1/6 army builders are over when you can't even afford the first fig.:slap
I would love to know how many people preordered this. Just out of curiosity. To see just how offensive this price is, or if it really isn't outside of this forum.

Though something tells me this forum is a pretty good indication of the hobby.
I would love to know how many people preordered this. Just out of curiosity. To see just how offensive this price is, or if it really isn't outside of this forum.

Though something tells me this forum is a pretty good indication of the hobby.

I absolutely despise the price. I have however asked my LCS (up in Canada) to email his rep and see if they will sell him an exclusive, this would save me the fedex ransom and $30 shipping. If they can, I will buy this. This Luke is my absolute favorite version and I would constantly kick myself if I didnt own it. buying direct from Sideshow is not going to happen, but if my LCS can swing it, I will be getting it
Though something tells me this forum is a pretty good indication of the hobby.

We've been told repeatedly it's not. All indications are that it's not. People have been frustrated and pissed off at Sideshow for years, but they're still in business. People were pissed at NRDs when they were introduced . . .still in effect. SSC's shipping charges are outrageous. . . . no effect.

All of the things that people on this forum have complained about SSC's business practices have not changed in one bit over 15 years. This forum is not SSC's target market. I think SSC is pretty mainstream now, they're selling into all sorts of specialty retail stores and comic shops where people just walk by and see the box and say "Wow, that looks cool", buy it, take it home. . .it doesn't fall apart, so they're happy. I mean, compared to NECA and DC Direct that have stuck joints with globby paint that seals joints,, that break when you try to pose it. You don't have that stuff with SSC. So, by and large, SSC makes a quality figure, but for the nit-picky Freaks, it's a poor product.

You have guys buying parts from Toy Anxiety, thinking they're sticking it to SSC, but a sale is a sale to Sideshow, so it really makes no difference. Look at TA's inventory of X-Wing Luke parts, it's pretty bare. For an egregiously overpriced figure, people sure picked it clean. And TA prices their parts to make a profit on them selling them, so the people that bought the parts, paid more for the parts than they would have for the figure. looks like a good figure...but I'm gonna wait. Want to see how the rest of thee year shakes's not due til December at the earliest and it's probably a safe bet it won't sell out before it ships so...I'll wait.
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do you believe the set on this company?? i mean wow.

makes you wonder though....only a fool would out price their customer base, they must have some data that suggests this will sell.....

i can't imagine they are arbitrarily making up numbers....not that i have a lot of faith in them as it is, but this is just ponderous to me.
These guys are charging like MEDICOM retail pricing. High price tag with an inferior product and not much to go along with it.
I actually think Sideshow is pricing things now with the monthly -$20 off coupons in mind. $150 is still high priced for me, however if this comes out looking as good as the prototype, I wouldn't mind too much paying that amount.
We've been told repeatedly it's not. All indications are that it's not. People have been frustrated and pissed off at Sideshow for years, but they're still in business. People were pissed at NRDs when they were introduced . . .still in effect. SSC's shipping charges are outrageous. . . . no effect.

Not sure what question you were answering in all that rage... but I didn't say that this site is a good indication of Sideshow's success. I said its a good indication of the hobby. The hobby seems very healthy. I agree, this site has very... "nitpicky" members, but I imagine most if not all people who collect figures are OCD like that. No company survives on the occasional walk-by who says that looks cool and buys it. Once. They need committed buyers. And everyone here is committed... or should be.

Not sure what people think "mainstream" is out there, but very few people spend $300 on a toy doll. Except collectors.

With all the complaints, you're still here... since 2006. :)
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I actually think Sideshow is pricing things now with the monthly -$20 off coupons in mind. $150 is still high priced for me, however if this comes out looking as good as the prototype, I wouldn't mind too much paying that amount.

it won't. Sideshow has a ZERO percent track record with that at this point.
I think it has a pretty good sculpt but same as the other recent Luke's and Han, there's something strange going on with the eyes. Too large and pupils too big, I think. Idunno. The new Indiana Jones gives me hope that the end product could look nice but the price completely kills any consideration of buying it, even with a discount code. It's too bad because it'd be a really cool version of Luke to have.
We've been told repeatedly it's not. All indications are that it's not. People have been frustrated and pissed off at Sideshow for years, but they're still in business. People were pissed at NRDs when they were introduced . . .still in effect. SSC's shipping charges are outrageous. . . . no effect.

All of the things that people on this forum have complained about SSC's business practices have not changed in one bit over 15 years. This forum is not SSC's target market. I think SSC is pretty mainstream now, they're selling into all sorts of specialty retail stores and comic shops where people just walk by and see the box and say "Wow, that looks cool", buy it, take it home. . .it doesn't fall apart, so they're happy. I mean, compared to NECA and DC Direct that have stuck joints with globby paint that seals joints,, that break when you try to pose it. You don't have that stuff with SSC. So, by and large, SSC makes a quality figure, but for the nit-picky Freaks, it's a poor product.

You have guys buying parts from Toy Anxiety, thinking they're sticking it to SSC, but a sale is a sale to Sideshow, so it really makes no difference. Look at TA's inventory of X-Wing Luke parts, it's pretty bare. For an egregiously overpriced figure, people sure picked it clean. And TA prices their parts to make a profit on them selling them, so the people that bought the parts, paid more for the parts than they would have for the figure.

I agree on the whole - there are probably under a hundred unique members who post in any given Sideshow fig's thread (even this one, and this fig is about as good as it gets for SSC) and Sideshow must sell at least 1000 of their average figures (at a guess - the numbers used to be much higher.) So this Freaks forum is probably below 20% of their (and HT's) seller base, though taken together (rebelscum, OSW etc.) it probably starts to rise closer to a 1/3 though.

...people that bought the parts, paid more for the parts than they would have for the figure.

I paid $100 all up for the X-Wing outfit/helmet from TA and completed a Luke X fig with parts bin stuff, did the same with HT Ben for around the same using HT bits (under $100,) and just bought the SSC TOD Indy head for $45 and used all my existing HT parts (bought ultra cheap when they were plentiful) to make a $100 Indy.

There are ways to get roughly equivalent figures for less than half price if you're clever and have a bit of a library of 1/6 stuff - there is the major hassle though, and many would rather spend the $$$, get the real deal (and the resale value) and not have to lift a finger.

I actually think Sideshow is pricing things now with the monthly -$20 off coupons in mind. $150 is still high priced for me, however if this comes out looking as good as the prototype, I wouldn't mind too much paying that amount.

You realize this is $270 not $170, right?:lol