Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
I was thinking... do we know why they call these deluxe now? Don’t think they did earlier? Or did they? ...I was wondering, since they probably wouldn’t be able to sell background characters for $250 - maybe, just maybe, they are thinking in terms of developing a non-deluxe cheaper line with less accessories and such? That would make them able to produce characters that HT won’t and still be able to sell them... because as it is right now I don’t see anyone producing less popular figures - as the won’t sell for premium prices.
Please don’t laugh at me... [emoji6][emoji28]
I honestly believe SS called this a "deluxe" to trick some people into thinking it's a deluxe HT release. There were several people on this forum who were like "WTF I preordered the other RotJ figure and now they release a deluxe?!" and some people even switched their preorders.
Yes I think it looks good.
The belt sucks. Its webbing, but as you mentioned it feels like ribbon. It needs to be thicker.
These were quick pictures, didn't really futz. The poncho seems a bit small, but I think you can achieve some baginess with futzing. I will give it s go when I get home tonight.
"Deluxe"? Not a new idea. Watch Mad Men sometime.
Agreed.Yeah we should not sugar coat this release, it's just plain bad. The only reason it looks better than awful with the Endor gear is the hat deletes the hair and shades the face. People like to say the Snowspeeder Luke is a great figure, and it is. But it's a similar deal where the sculpt works well enough when covered by the helmet and visor but the hero head lives in a parts bin because it's substandard.
What do you think of the boots Chakaman? I just grabbed a pair from TA to have a look but they seem a bit simplistic and slightly bulky sculpt-wise (they actually remind me of the later hasbro boots, which are decent, almost look like early Sideshow boots.) I just prefer sculpted plastic over pleather in general though.
Also, is the Palace pistol any larger on this figure vs the HT one? The HT one seems undersized (as the old SSC one was if I remember correctly) but this new one seems slightly bigger. I grabbed one to take a look anyway. That pistol has been pretty frustrating - the habsro is a nice sculpt but maybe 15% oversized while both the old SSC and new HT ones seem too small. Hopefully this one is the goldilocks size.
Is the blaster the same as the one that came w the original V1 ? Or same as the hot toys version