Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think it’s a good V2 or anything but the quality of the saber is so inexplicable that’s the only thing that came to mind. And they’ve been making a correctly painted ROTJ one with their R2 figures, granted I haven’t seen the recent batches but this is the one that came with R2 when it was released a few years ago. Sideshow has been known to get creative and do interpretations of parts (Scout knee armor, for example).
Regardless of all the conversations going on about the good/bad of this figure...since you have it in hand, wondering if you are satisfied with it? Photos are one thing, but having it in hand, I'm curious if it's a figure folks can be happy with
Regardless of all the conversations going on about the good/bad of this figure...since you have it in hand, wondering if you are satisfied with it? Photos are one thing, but having it in hand, I'm curious if it's a figure folks can be happy with
Can that tunic be pulled down/smoothed out a bit?
Can that tunic be pulled down/smoothed out a bit?
What's with the giant belt pouch on the SS? Did Like have a fanny pack?
And isn't it on the wrong side? The HT Luke has it on the opposite side.
Here he is with the Endor poncho on.
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One thing that surprises me is that the SSC figure has better proportions. HT's Luke has a huge head and monkey arms... just like the old Sideshow Luke!
If I had the money and inclination, just judging from pics, I'd probably use the SSC body and black outfit with HT's headsculpt, boots and accessories.
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Yeah, based on those additional pictures, that's definitely the Hero they were going for. The V2 didn't have the control box with the arrows on the side, it was actually a graflex clamp with a longer lever than the empire Luke saber, and also was devoid of any color except silver and black paint. Comically they just did such a crap job painting theirs that it sort of resembles the V2 in the upper level grenade area, but that's due to laziness and sloppiness, not the actual paint job they were going for.