Premium Format SSC Thor PF and Destroyer Maquette

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I'd imagine that Thor will be around $329 and Destroyer around $450

I would actually be quite happy with those prices...I'm more concerned that SSC might go Iron Man Mark IIIMarvel Maquette (US $1949.99) route and make a MASSIVE beast of a statue and put a price tag just as scary. :panic:

Can't wait till the reveal next week.
$450 for that monster would be a steal, that's cheaper than the War Machine Maquette and a whole lot bigger :lol

My guess is that baby will break the 1k barrier :monkey1

I totally am thinking the same thing...and I'm still getting it :slap damn you sickness damn you :gah:
In the Art of Thor book you can see the what looks like to be a 1/4 Destroyer being worked on next too the 1/2 scale piece. It looks like to be a good size and this piece doesn't have the complexity and painting at the level that War Machine had.

If Destroyer costs anymore than $600 it'd be ridiculous. Plus it doesn't look like Legacy is attached to these pieces so I can't imagine anything more.

There is what seems to be the 1/4 Scale Destroyer without paint in the lower middle between the two pages...
GOD I know it Darth...but there is no way I'm missing this opp to pick both of them I guess my finances are going to have to make room. I just hope SSC doesn't make me bend over and grab my ankles when it comes to how much I'll be dropping on these two statues alone....include all the stuff I have on PO and boy I'm some sort of f'ed. :yess: I put him because although I know it's going to be a Thor setup will totally rock soon!

Both look fantastic. I wouldn't get too hung up on them using the PF label, all that means is mixed media and since the IM film stuff was 1/4 I'm sure all the Marvel film stuff will follow suit. I would love to definitely get Thor but I have a feeling that Destroyer will be way out of my price range, I'm seriously thinking it'll hit at minimum $699 and that is being hopeful, I wouldn't be shocked at it easily hitting the $900 mark.
Both look fantastic. I wouldn't get too hung up on them using the PF label, all that means is mixed media and since the IM film stuff was 1/4 I'm sure all the Marvel film stuff will follow suit. I would love to definitely get Thor but I have a feeling that Destroyer will be way out of my price range, I'm seriously thinking it'll hit at minimum $699 and that is being hopeful, I wouldn't be shocked at it easily hitting the $900 mark.

man if it's going to be in that price range, you'd think the ES would be ultra low.:dunno
Sideshow will probably set the edition size to 1,000 for the Destroyer even if the price is $1,000.
Yeah, $900 means a really low ES. $500-$750 a bit more moderate ES. For Destroyer I should say.