Premium Format SSC Thor PF and Destroyer Maquette

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2005 and 2011 is 6 years. Post crazy you are, adding numbers you are not. hehe

And yes I understand these were the Weta boards, but did that carry over? I mean your post count, because it says you registered on September of 2005.

btw Jay, you and Josh are no where near being >>>>>> to Eli26.

Eli26 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You two combined. hehe

The freaks board started in 2003. We moved here in 2005. I had 10,000 posts when we moved over.


Looking forward to seeing the pics and if I'll have to talk myself into Destroyer if he comes in higher than I expect.
Having only gotten about 4 hours of sleep in the last 3 days, I'm about ready to fall out my chair.....but not until I see pics of Thor. Need to know if the ex. is truly worth pre-ordering come Thursday.

The ExclusiveDestroyer Maquette, which will include a Fine Art Print will be priced at $499.99 and will have a 10%, or $50.00 Non-Refundable deposit charged within 24 to 48 hours after Pre-Order placement. Additionally, a regular edition, without the print, will be available for Pre-Order and priced at $499.99.

Really dig the print that comes with one and of course the light up eyes ftw!


The Exclusive Thor Premium Format Figure, which will include a Fine Art Print will be priced at $324.99 and will have a 10%, or $32.50 Non-Refundable deposit charged within 24 to 48 hours after Pre-Order placement. Additionally, a regular edition, without the print, will be available for Pre-Order and priced at $324.99.

Great print as well the helmetliss portait looks pretty sweet.
Yea easy passes for me at that price, even though I think thor looks great.
Thor turns out to be great! Can't say much about the berserker predator maquette, whats wrong with its face?o_O
$325 is reasonable, just hope there will be some alternatives than a head and the print.

Destroyer, seriously no love for the pre-view photo but imagine it goes with the PF ..... the price is reasonable, considering the maq line ...
Thor looks fantastic and I'll be definitely ordering him......Destroyer, I'm not so sure about. He looks to be approx. the same size as Thor [which is disappointing to me], with a much heftier price tag...not thrilled with the nameplate either.
They aren't the same size. Destroyer would be around 30", based off the apple comparison pics and the face that both pieces have museum poses. I'm actually leaning the other way in that I've got no interest in Thor but am all over destroyer. The nameplate on the base is just class imo... Finally, a piece I can PO without second-guessing