Premium Format SSC Thor PF and Destroyer Maquette

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I have to say that Thor is the most realistic PF Sideshow has put out to date. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come.

Saw the pics and my quick take on it is this:

I love Destroyer Maquette......At $500 it is a bit expensive but I think it will go much higher than that in the future...

I did not like Thor.......great likeness, lousy pose and terrible base.....They could have done better.......

Still a great looking piece but if I'm getting anything, it will be Destroyer only....
I mostly agree about Thor's pose, as I said initially when the design sketch was released. I will still get it nonetheless as I think it is still a fantastic piece.
If the maquette is supposed to be screen accurate to the movie, then I'm trying to figure out why the light-up feature seems to be so significantly different. :dunno


I like the maquettes eye better. Looks more menacing. :lecture I'm getting both.
And why hasn't SS revealed the edition sizes of these two pieces? I thought they were doing that as standard policy.
They do both look great imo, i just wish thors base had a a lil something to it.... l know the rune this is gotten its mileage but that base is lil boring..... but both are great looking very pleased.
One thing unique about HT is that, their 12" is far better than the other brands, including Medicom and SS. They have been doing detail stuffs really well. But a statue always comes with a message, like for instance to me Thanos com gives me the feeling that, "All heroes suck big, I am the best." 12" can never give you such feeling.


The advantage of the 12" HT is that they are dynamic and extremely versatile. Simply by changing their pose or grouping a few together in a set pose can recreate any feeling you could imagine.

For example changing an HT Iron Man from a hall of armor pose to say raising him up to an in flight pose changes the entire dynamic of the figure and the display, as well as the feeling you get looking at it.

I like SSC statues as well but they are very static, (and expensive) and being limited to 1 pose can make or break a statue. If I were a fan of character 'X' and SSC produced only 1 statue with a crappy pose, I'd be s____ out of luck and may never get a character 'X' statue that I could truly enjoy since there is zero versatility.