Super Freak
Here's the right math....
It is 17 weeks divided by 450 bucks (cause you already paid $50 for the NRD) comes down to $26.47 which divided by 7 days (which is how many days you have in a week) comes down to 3 dollars and 78 cents......or 2.60 in euros if you live in Europe....
A Grande Starbucks Mocha without Whip cream........ $4.10....
Big Mac meal at Mcdonalds......$4.35
A Gallon of gas in Chicago IL..........$4.50
A 26 inch 20 lbs Destroyer Maquette by Legacy Effects with light up feature...........priceless.......
...or $3.78 a day......
Worth it???? You tell me......

Is it worth $500? only you can answer that for yourself! for me it's worth $500 and that's why i ordered it.![]()

Thanks guys/gals I've been on here a while as a guest and finally decided to join.

Now you can join in all the fun. Glad to have you around.