Premium Format SSC Thor PF and Destroyer Maquette

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awesome some of you guys have thick skin i dig it, and thanks gonna be a fun ride..... (thats what he said to jay)
I will probably get the Destroyer but why the ____ have a name plate on the front? Especially when it says
The Thor statue doesn't have a nameplate...
Dumb :slap
i agree it doesnt seem like sideshow really discussed design together much when designing these two as compliment pieces.
I will probably get the Destroyer but why the ____ have a name plate on the front? Especially when it says
The Thor statue doesn't have a nameplate...
Dumb :slap

I see what you mean but it doesn't bother me that much.
Thats the plan if they are still available, i enjoy Thor hes a great character i just hope the film does him justice the guy playing him doesnt really seem quite right to me not quite badass enough but im gonna give him the benefit of the doubt till i see the film. Destroyer looks great though.
Thats the plan if they are still available, i enjoy Thor hes a great character i just hope the film does him justice the guy playing him doesnt really seem quite right to me not quite badass enough but im gonna give him the benefit of the doubt till i see the film. Destroyer looks great though.

Yeah Destroyer is great! when you going to see the film?
Saturday is the plan ;) I dont go on friday night waaay too many people saturday might not be much better but one can hope.
Thor will prolly be the cool thing for anyone 12-55 here in the states this weekend its gonna be a crazy scene im afraid. Will be the water cooler discussion at most work places monday lol.
I'm not going to watching it until well into its run where there will be like 5 people watching it. :lol

I had a bad experience on the opening day of Iron Man 2. :slap
Yeah i hear ya man if i go to see a move while its full of teenie boppers talking about how cute thor is i will invest in more home theater equipment and just wait for blu ray release.
Yeah i hear ya man if i go to see a move while its full of teenie boppers talking about how cute thor is i will invest in more home theater equipment and just wait for blu ray release.

That's what I want to do but the BD more than likely won't be out until at least September. Some people just can't shut up during a movie :lecture
Someone I know said they thought parts of it were too dark and blamed the 3D :dunno nit sure if thats accurate. I like to make up my own mind :)