SSC TPM Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Padawan

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EP2 & 3 Obi-wans will be up graded whenever this gets parted out. Body, hands belt for EP3; everything but the clothes and heads for EP2; and get an extra belt for Anakin
Do you already have Darh Maul, Platty?? Or are you getting the Medi reissue version? Or searching for an old SS one?

I don't have one mate but i'm definitely on the hunt for one! Which would you say is better out of the two? I'm leaning towards the medi! Does the medis saber light up?

This is a great fig! There's nothing like a shot of the figure with all it's accessories laid out in front of it to really bring it home! They are the shots I always like best! :yess:

And ive just worked it out, £90! not even a hundred!! (before shipping) I paid twice that for the DX12!
Wow, very cool compromise between the light up and non.

To be honest with the light-up option I assumed this figure would be more like $175-$200... so with the generous assortment of hands, 2 heads and what looks to be a well done light-up lightsaber I can safely say I'm in on this one :lecture
I don't have one mate but i'm definitely on the hunt for one! Which would you say is better out of the two? I'm leaning towards the medi! Does the medis saber light up?

This is a great fig! There's nothing like a shot of the figure with all it's accessories laid out in front of it to really bring it home! They are the shots I always like best! :yess:

And ive just worked it out, £90! not even a hundred!! (before shipping) I paid twice that for the DX12!

I'm in the same boat you are! :lol I can't decide on the old SS or get the medi version. I'm leaning toward the medi though b/c it looks like he comes with more. The only things I don't like abou it are the price and the non leather like belt. I'm just really waiting for some in hand pics of the reissue to see if anything has changed.

In regards to the load out pics, I totally agree. That pic alone made it go from a somewhat shakey "ok I know I'm going to get this!" to a "hell yea! Totally mine!" :lol seeing all the hands and what not just makes it that much more of a good purchase. Didn't think I'd like the EX head so much either either. It turned out great in these pics. Now I'm wondering how these sculpts will look if I turned them into EP 3 versions :panic:
No c'hiite...I'm really pleased with the way this figure has turned out. I see myself owning at least three :panic:
I'm very impressed by the price. I was sure it would be $175-$200 because of the light up feature. $150 is pretty fair, I think.

The neutral sculpt is eh, but the angry face is pretty good.
WOW!!!and Master Yoda said i should be mindful of the future....
Looks awesome Sideshow...bravo!!!
Once i have this Obi-i will have all of his Sideshow 1/6th incarnations!!!
Love the lightup i wonder if Malgus will get 1?
I'm with abake. A few years ago, I would have been right there at the PO, waiting to click 'Purchase' but frankly, these darn things are getting too expensive for me.

And although the light-up saber may appear to be a great feature upon first glance, I must say I am not thrilled with electronics in my figures. Seriously. Take IG-88 for example. He arrives, I open him up, I fiddle around with the base and the light-up head, he looks really cool all lit-up... but then I put him in the display case and turn off the lights. If the lights could stay on 24-7, that would be great... but I'm not going to open my Detolf and click on all the light-up features on my dolls every time I enter the room.

- MJ
I actually wish they would include AC cords with the light-up figures, so they could be lit most of the time
I have to admit, it came out better than I thought. The likeness to Ewan is still not there, IMO, but it's forgivable at that price point. I thought for sure they were going to try and get $200.00 for it. $150.00 with 2 headsculpts, the light-up saber and saber/hands accessories seems pretty reasonable.

In regards to the light-up features, guess I'm in the minority but I like having the option. Really makes the Cantina enviro, especially if the table/chair sets are in the mix. So don't stop making light-up stuff, Sideshow! :p
I like having the option too. Plus the light up saber doesn't really look different in terms of hilt and blade to the normal one. If you can get past the hand :D
Wow, this will be my first PO since Boba Fett. I think the figure turned out great! Really looks like a step up for the human figures in the Star Wars line.
Sideshow should just let Hot Toys make all the humans and stick to the troopers and aliens.
Looks really really good. I will most likely order this one and finish off my obi-wan collection.
HT doing the human sculpts would be ideal, kl241 (add $75.00 to the price, though), but I also agree with Billy Ray that this is a huge improvement for Sideshow. The saving grace in this case is that I don't really care about Padawan Obi and the price point is such that this is a very reasonable release for most people. If they'd gone with HT prices with the current package, then I could see not being as positive about it.