SSC TPM Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Padawan

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Let's just hope the engineering on the removable forearm is better than the last execution.
I'd be for some switch out arms on Grievous with light up sabers. That would be cool. We are gonna pay an ass load for him anyway, so he might as well be outfitted to the teeth.

Doubt he will have them
And they already confirmed grevious will likely have switch out arms.
TBQH, I do not see ANY way they could make grevious work with light up sabers, and keep all the wires inside his skinny arms.

and having the wires outside his arms would look like butt.

With OBI, his entire forearm contains the light mechanism.

With grievous, I'm expecting his light sabers to be ALREADY molded to his hands.
Yeah there are a lot of those early Jedi that need upgrades, but it won't happen. Most probably got into this line hoping that SS would produce the quintessential 1/6th scale collection for SW, but early on they were a bit behind some of the other companies, IMHO. I don't see many willing to fork out cash for rereleases, hell Boba ain't even sold out. Could you see them really scoring a sell through on a character like Qui Gon? They'd have to offer fans cash back to take em!
Yeah there are a lot of those early Jedi that need upgrades, but it won't happen. Most probably got into this line hoping that SS would produce the quintessential 1/6th scale collection for SW, but early on they were a bit behind some of the other companies, IMHO. I don't see many willing to fork out cash for rereleases, hell Boba ain't even sold out. Could you see them really scoring a sell through on a character like Qui Gon? They'd have to offer fans cash back to take em!

Qui Gon doesn't need much of an upgrade. All he really needs is a new head.

I seruiously think sideshow should consider a few 1/6th update packs. They could include new head and hand sets for existing figures,that would fit the pro and hot toys bodies.
Qui Gon doesn't need much of an upgrade. All he really needs is a new head.

I seruiously think sideshow should consider a few 1/6th update packs. They could include new head and hand sets for existing figures,that would fit the pro and hot toys bodies.

Yes I have thought this for a about an update pack that gives the emporer SOME FRAGGIN' SITH LIGHTENING!!!! What is my emporer supposed to do to luke...just bash him with his cane?? :gah:

In the meantime I took the hands off of one of my SW Unleashed emporers and cut the lightening effect off of it and gave it to my SS emporer!! :yess:

But these are things that we should have gotten...I would really appreciate some updated heads too
Qui Gon doesn't need much of an upgrade. All he really needs is a new head....

Yes...perhaps one that offered two different "hair sculptures" (in HT lingo) like the current figure (hair back behind shoulders) and one with hair split over shoulders.

Would need a taller body as well....and at the very least, upgrade the boots to be sectional like Padawan Kenobi's are...and that new, wider belt.

Heck...I'd welcome a new version of Qui-Gon, if it featured the above-mentioned "upgrades" ,included everything relevant to the character's appearance in the film (don't make poncho exclusive this time) and matched the quality we're seeing with Padawan Kenobi...

The more I look at the Kenobi preview gallery, the more I'm liking it.
Put this dude up against SSC Qui Gon..I actually think Qui Gon looks better...and for $110 less...this is laughable at $150...but an old Qui Gon and pop this dudes noggen onto the Qui Gon body...boom..saved at least $80
Well, I'm not going to try and change your opinion, but to me Qui Gon looks like a doll. The details on the headsculpt are super basic.
I see a lot of this sculpt in this Obi-Wan:
I'm really surprised how this came out. I had to order and I don't think the price is that bad considering how much other figures in this line cost.
Ordered this one. Not great, but still very good. Have the Sideshow bodies gotten any better though? I've started picking up a few and am once again reminded of the inconsistency of this line. For these prices SS needs to step up their game or turn the humans completely over to HT or some other partner. You would think that a company with Sideshow's resources would be able to deliver a line that completely blows the doors off everything else out there. How hard is it to copy and improve upon HT's bodies in SS's slightly larger scale? Plus with the advances in digital sculpting and printing, or simply by hiring the top sculpting talent out there, they should be able to produce or surpass HT and EB quality likenesses. Sure this line has gotten better since the early Lukes, Hans, Qui-Gon, etc. but there should be no reason many collectors, myself included, are hoping Hot Toys takes over the human portion of this line, and start producing at a rate faster than one every 18 months.
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Yeah there are a lot of those early Jedi that need upgrades, but it won't happen. Most probably got into this line hoping that SS would produce the quintessential 1/6th scale collection for SW, but early on they were a bit behind some of the other companies, IMHO. I don't see many willing to fork out cash for rereleases, hell Boba ain't even sold out. Could you see them really scoring a sell through on a character like Qui Gon? They'd have to offer fans cash back to take em!

Qui Gon doesn't need much of an upgrade. All he really needs is a new head.

I seruiously think sideshow should consider a few 1/6th update packs. They could include new head and hand sets for existing figures,that would fit the pro and hot toys bodies.

Yes...perhaps one that offered two different "hair sculptures" (in HT lingo) like the current figure (hair back behind shoulders) and one with hair split over shoulders.

Would need a taller body as well....and at the very least, upgrade the boots to be sectional like Padawan Kenobi's are...and that new, wider belt.

Heck...I'd welcome a new version of Qui-Gon, if it featured the above-mentioned "upgrades" ,included everything relevant to the character's appearance in the film (don't make poncho exclusive this time) and matched the quality we're seeing with Padawan Kenobi...

The more I look at the Kenobi preview gallery, the more I'm liking it.

This is what DCFett is talking about. Qui-Gon and others need complete upgrades. But SSCs probably won't do it cause they won't make much cash and the figures won't sell well.

I don't think SSCs will devote resources toward upgrade packs. I think they should but I don't think they will. Hell, we've been asking them to sell the new trooper body suits for over a year and they haven't even given a reason why they won't do it. :thud::thud::slap

And come on...that old Qui-Gon sculpt, or at least the paint apps, is really dated. The hair is jacked too.
I don't collect prequel stuff, but I have to say that this figure does look really nice. If it turns out like the prototype, I'll feel safe having more human characters by Sideshow in my collection alongside Lando and Old Ben and I'll take it as further proof that everything doesn't need to be done by Hot Toys. The aliens and armored figures have already made me a believer in Sideshow, though.