SSC TPM Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Padawan

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Crap... must have missed this was scheduled to ship in March :lol Might be a bit expensive if Hulk and him hit at the same time.
Keep: Kenobi, Loki and Widow

Drop: Catwoman, Thor and Weeman.

Almost agree with this. Keep Selina as well; she's overpriced, but it is an exceptional figure a great character, and with the exclusive Batman mask (which you could likely use with the upcoming armory), she's worth getting. Hold off on Thor - they'll likely do a sleeveless variant from the Avengers and you know there's a "Dark World" version coming. Bane is a great character, but this figure has a few flaws. Decent probability of him being revisited by HT. Hold off. Also remember, you can usually find most characters at, or even slightly below, retail for several months following their release. Unless that character is Batman or a red and gold Ironman armor. :slap :lol
It does suck! But a few more months wont hurt, I've waited since I started the hobby for this guy in figure form.
Bump. This figure should have shipped out this week. Dumb delays. I'm really looking forward to this one. :mad:
Bump. This figure should have shipped out this week. Dumb delays. I'm really looking forward to this one. :mad:

Yeah can't wait for this one. A grail for me. As soon as I get the dx12 this is next on my pre order list, sweet! I can't wait to go to town on him and make him the best obi I can have!
I can't wait to see how well the light up feature turns out on this as well as how the sculpt looks in in-hand pics

Yeah can't wait for this one. A grail for me. As soon as I get the dx12 this is next on my pre order list, sweet! I can't wait to go to town on him and make him the best obi I can have!

look forward to see what you do with this Rob!
Thanks mate :) already have a few things in mind, a body swap, the belt from and maybe the brown robe from episode 2 obi, weathering the inner tunic, a repaint of the sculpts if needs be and general futzing / water treating. I think that's it :lol Though if course I don't have this in had yet so some if not all of the above may not need doing! And there's the light up arm/saber to deal contend with.
Likely be the end of March for this one... not surprising I can see a lot of potential problems given the lightsaber gimmick.
Late March or early April. There's the lightsaber gimmick and the Snowtrooper just dropped.
I just made my second of three FLEXPAY payments for this fella.

If all goes on schedule, which I am sure it will (pauses for hollow laughter) this Jedi should in my grubbies by late March/early April.

I am really looking forward to it too as the Kenobi/Maul 'Duel Of The Fates' sequence really was the best thing about The Phantom Menace...and where the film should have started, not ended.

Unless he cancels between now and the summer, I should be getting Ray Park's autograph on my Darth Maul packaging, at an event in London.
Cancelled black widow and got pre-ordered this, really have a soft spot for padawan obi wan. The light-up saber looks promising too and obi will finaly be with his master on my shelf. I just need to get darth maul next but which maul is best medicom or sideshow?