--Come on Sly, I have bought tickets to 3 of every 4 movies you have ever done and I own about the same amount either on vhs, laserdisc, dvd, blu-ray or 4K. Sometimes the same movie in each of those formats. I think you would agree I have been a loyal fan.
And yet you can't offer me a freaking installment payment plan for your Rambo figure? I am surprised and disappointed. And in this surprised state that I am in, my eyebrows are arched higher than yours at the moment.
Right now, the only two installments they've offered to us collectors are: 1) Pay absolutely the entire amount in advance and 2) Find out in a few months if the figure has turned out as well as promised...you can't offer me a freaking installment payment plan for your Rambo figure?
The problem is it's not clear if the reviews will be of the final figure or of hand-painted prototypes...What if Dean Knight gives it a negative review? Will he have to hire private security?![]()
--What if Dean Knight gives it a negative review? Will he have to hire private security?![]()
--I am not worried about what DK says when/if he does a review--his photos will tell the story--good or bad.
--The problem is it's not clear if the reviews will be of the final figure or of hand-painted prototypes...
What if Dean Knight gives it a negative review?
--How much does a Dean Knight review cost?
--Of course they tell Sy to tell us pre orders are selling out for FOMO to booster sells![]()
--I subscribe to "everybody has a price" school of thought... and that rarely lets me down, especially in this hobby.
So is Dean Knight one of the honest reviewers? I really have no idea.
Would what's going on with Sly Stallone's Shop meet your criteria for "shady" or is it really just exaggerated overblown pure hype?
--When the owner gets involved usually means the company is desperate for sales. Like I mentioned earlier..I think Sly is struggling financially
I also think the officially licensed Chuck Norris Walnut/Mahogany beard/hair combo color that he did with Just For Men was a poor choice.This reminds me of why Chuck Norris refuses to do any kind/type of licensing for toys, etc.
He licensed his name for a really crappy Atari 2600 game many years ago.
He also licensed image and name for the goofy Chuck Norris Karate Kommandos line of action figures and even an animated series (five episodes) along with a comic book series (published by Marvel Comics) that was not successful.
Given the preceding experience is why he refuses to have his brand licensed for toys, etc.
This is why there is no official 1:6 figure of Chuck Norris based on any of his action films.