Dont hold back say what you really mean

To be fair you are taking the urine putting that on his comments.
I agree whole hearted but come on, mans gotta eat.
I would probably stick on the old rose tinted aviators for this one aswell.
Do think the figure is ok, could be better.
If he had of paid for this and didnt have a relationship with the company, the review would be very different.
Look at the asmus review that WAS pretty fair and unbiased.
If you had rambo endorsing your channel you could not help being a little starstruck and complimentary and ignore some quite glaring flaws.
The knife is bad, really poor.
The boots look odd, should have gone moulded plastic.
The jacket is ok but again not as shown previous.
The sculpt and paint is 8 and 6 out of 10
Most of this can be skimmed over but to not address any flaws is biased.
He said he would be honest and show any good or bad points and to be fair he has, but has chose not to talk about the bad points.
You wouldnt sell a car by saying it looks nice but gives shi$ty mileage, well in robocop you would