This has done more harm than good.

Somebody said the truman show figure by present toys was the most boring figure of the year.

This makes rambo look the most bored figure of the year, or the figure of the year most allegic to pollen.

Plus the perspective is all off.
The path being so wide dwarfs the figure and makes it look like... well what it is a toy/doll/1/6 figure
Really bad choice of music too.

I know hes sad his mates died but sounds like hes at the funeral.
Pretentious again.

Damage control time, bring out Justin.

Also interesting to see whos bought the figure and not by the comments, easy to see which ones which

Also alot of the comments on you tube 30/70 % are pointing out the same flaws, mainly the sculpt, paint, boots and knife.
The person in charge (not Nick) should be taking these valid criticisms on board.
If there is time to tweak the sculpt, make a better knife they should at least think about it......but then will probably continue with the perfection they have in hand and call detractors trolls.

Yes there is an element of that here and why not
What goes around is all around.