To be completely honest I dont think it is better than the hot toys m65 jacket version.
Hear me out I know the paint is dated, so is the sculpt, but its still a better likeness.
The knifes much better and accurate although the ht one does have 12 teeth.
Technically inaccurate to the
film which had 13 but the knife maker jimmy lyle changed it to 12 after the film so

The jacket is a bit puffy on the ht one but is good quality and so are the jeans and bed roll/sleeping bag.
The boots although sculpted plastic and have no articulation look much nicer than those offered.Plus they could flake.
The base offered is nicer but can live without it.
The box for the hts one kicks this ones frying pan.
Not hate just facts.
I have the hot toy one and to say its inferior is not only insulting to old collecters is inaccurate, biased and makes him look the buffoon he is.
Nick not you

I mean saying you gave it to a 5 year old just says it all.
Nick has garnished alot of hate with these statements, which is not ideal if you want to include collecters.
How many people outside 1/6 collecters want this figure I wonder?
Bad buisness practice imo.
Plus I see the hot toys one before release decreased in some ebay sales and now has increased

so thanks kp nick and dean you made mine worth alot more.
Not ever selling so makes no difference but if you have the original keep it and update the sculpt if you want.
Dont be lured in with FOMO