Star Ace Harry Potter - Sirius Black

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How would you like to see Sirius released?

  • Azkaban prisoner and Order of Phoenix as 2 seperate releases

    Votes: 19 27.9%
  • One figure with both costumes, one headsculpt (cheaper)

    Votes: 19 27.9%
  • One figure with 2 costumes and 2 headsculpts (more expensive)

    Votes: 16 23.5%
  • One set with both full figures

    Votes: 14 20.6%

  • Total voters
Wow. I'm sold! I can't wait to see the Azkaban facial hair. Any idea where these will be sold?
Likely the usual suspects. Big Bad Toy Store is carrying Harry and Ron currently.

Hard to believe that's the same company. They absolutely nailed Oldman. I haven't been this excited for a figure in a long time. Sirius was my favorite character. I'd love to see a Harris Dumbledore and Hagrid.
Sirius is looking fantastic. I still need to order Ron. We've seen sneaks of Hermione. Any idea of who else is coming down the pipeline?
Sirius is looking fantastic. I still need to order Ron. We've seen sneaks of Hermione. Any idea of who else is coming down the pipeline?

Right now they're committed to Harry, Ron, Hermione and Sirius. I think they'll have to see how sales are before announcing any more.
I just really don't get why they don't keep it consistent at just one movie. I'd definitely grab everything from Prisoner of Azkaban.
Right now they're committed to Harry, Ron, Hermione and Sirius. I think they'll have to see how sales are before announcing any more.

It's another tough call, because folks aren't going to buy the kid versions, and then no one is going to buy Sirius because there's no teen versions of the three.

IMO, they should've started with GoF Harry, that way it would at least display well with Sirius age-wise, and given a good excuse to display with a Voldemort.

Or instead of Sirius they should've done Harris Dumbledore.

But, if BCS can get away with Moriarty and Mycroft, I can't see why sales of three kids wouldn't be good enough to continue with HP. It's hard to say, seems like sales figures vary per company. Asmus seems to be plunking away at LOTR despite dwindling sales, so who knows?
I just really don't get why they don't keep it consistent at just one movie. I'd definitely grab everything from Prisoner of Azkaban.

Its just like with Star Wars. There is just too much from across the series of films to focus solely on one of them. Sure you might hit a couple of figures at once as a theme (ie Hoth) but you can't expect to stay focused on one film too much or you'll lose some people's interest. By them doing OotP Sirius, it shows they aren't grounded to Stone for their figures. Sure it would have been nice for the first adult figure to be displayable within the same time frame as the kids, but I'm not fussed about it. Many of the adults could be one-and-done type figures anyway (Snape hardly ever changed). We'll get other versions of the trio throughout the line.

The key with any new line is patience. We all have certain figures we want. Some we'll see, and some we might not. Its important to enjoy what is being offered. Star Ace really seems to care about our opinions here so I'm sure they've seen the concerns brought up already. I think the line is really going to take off after Sirius though - especially since they nailed his likeness. Nothing sales a figure nowadays like a beautiful, accurate headsculpt.
Its just like with Star Wars. There is just too much from across the series of films to focus solely on one of them. Sure you might hit a couple of figures at once as a theme (ie Hoth) but you can't expect to stay focused on one film too much or you'll lose some people's interest. By them doing OotP Sirius, it shows they aren't grounded to Stone for their figures. Sure it would have been nice for the first adult figure to be displayable within the same time frame as the kids, but I'm not fussed about it. Many of the adults could be one-and-done type figures anyway (Snape hardly ever changed). We'll get other versions of the trio throughout the line.

The key with any new line is patience. We all have certain figures we want. Some we'll see, and some we might not. Its important to enjoy what is being offered. Star Ace really seems to care about our opinions here so I'm sure they've seen the concerns brought up already. I think the line is really going to take off after Sirius though - especially since they nailed his likeness. Nothing sales a figure nowadays like a beautiful, accurate headsculpt.

Yes, they do care. And I'm sure we'll see a lot of our favorite characters if the first few sell well. I think that having characters that display together is important, but I think they went with Sirius for the first adult because he's a favorite character that hasn't seem much in the way of merchandise. And this Sirius would be a good display with Lucius, Bellatrix, GoF or OotP Harry, Lupin, Wormtail - all possible figures.
I see. And they actually have 8 movies to go with, which is nuts if figures were made for all. It'd be interesting how they pull off a Hagrid. Hagrid and his bike with Harry on the sidecar would be an amazing display piece.
My vote is for both costumes in the DX either two outfits and two heads or two complete figures.
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Going with the kid versions for the first releases was fine for me because that's how folks were introduced to the characters. Sure Sirius seems a bit of an anachronism when displayed with the young 'uns but not a deal breaker. The case could be made for adding Dumbledore to the line soon. Hagrid is difficult because you're talking about a custom, one-use body type. However I agree moving to the teen versions will probably spur sales, and start opening up the character universe.
So it looks like we'll be seeing all of Sirius at New York Comic Con next week along with VOLDEMORT!

Anyone going and can take official pics for us?

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