Star Ace Harry Potter - Sirius Black

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How would you like to see Sirius released?

  • Azkaban prisoner and Order of Phoenix as 2 seperate releases

    Votes: 19 27.9%
  • One figure with both costumes, one headsculpt (cheaper)

    Votes: 19 27.9%
  • One figure with 2 costumes and 2 headsculpts (more expensive)

    Votes: 16 23.5%
  • One set with both full figures

    Votes: 14 20.6%

  • Total voters
I wanted to cut the neck off, switch it to a fully sculpted body, and get decals made for the tattoos. The only problem is that Sirius isn't TTM19 ripped... I just think it'd be cool to see the tattoos on a better body.
Oh, I'll definitely have to do some Frankensteining. I was mainly wondering how the pegs are compared to HT stuff.

My vision is to get a sculpted body and get the tattoos painted or decal'd on. I want the jacket off, sleeves rolled up, and the shirt unbuttoned a bit to show off the tattoos. Not movie accurate, but I think it'd look great on the shelf.
My vision is to get a sculpted body and get the tattoos painted or decal'd on. I want the jacket off, sleeves rolled up, and the shirt unbuttoned a bit to show off the tattoos. Not movie accurate, but I think it'd look great on the shelf.

Very interested to see how your mods go, Mudblood. I'm looking to swap out this Sirius for the prisoner version and try a similar thing. I've only just started looking but the Carlito and Bruce Lee bodies seem like they'd be good, physique-wise. If you go with decals, I'd be interested in a set as well, if it helps to have more people for that kind of thing.
I bought a knockoff TTM19 for him since it was the cheapest thing available. The Carlito and Bruce ones are a bit too expensive at the moment. I had Hunterdnrc do the decals for me. He's got a set ready to go as of yesterday. The body will be in next week, so he or I should be posting pictures of it.

I wish they had altered the sculpt for the Azkaban version. He definitely didn't look as well groomed as he did in Order.
Here's my Sirius custom. Decals were done by Hunterdnrc. Final futzing will be done when the head comes back in from being de-necked.
Left forearm tattoos were added to keep the arm from looking bare. He's just a little ripped, but I think it looks great.

I had Rahmier cut the neck off for me. I don't trust my hands to do it myself. I think I'll have it repainted in the future and add some real hair though. Glad you guys like it! I'm going to add a leather watch to his left wrist. I know watches don't work on wizards, but maybe Sirius just liked the way it looked. :lol
Cant wait to see it. I think with some paint, hair added and what youve got already he will dominate. All the star ace potter figures are lacking just a tad bit. Im picking them up as cheap as i can and have plans to upgrade
in the end they will be exact to my liking
Thanks! I definitely want to see this with a repaint and some real hair mixed in. I picked this one up for $150 on eBay. The books were my life when I was a kid (23 now) so this figure made me want to go all out. I'm not really interested in the young trio since they look quite toylike to me. I'm tempted to get Mad Eye. Definitely getting Snape. I wish Hagrid and the Dumbledores had sculpted beards. I don't think I'll be getting them unless they change them.
probably you that won that auction. i was keeping my eye on one that went for around there lol congrats! i got mad eye from amazon for $116! was happy about that. hes cool but man, a repaint with hair added to mad eye too? these could be amazing!. i hope star ace continues improving sooner than later. i think if they can nail that insertion point on the face, the rooted hair would look better. but, the pics we see are magnified. once in hand we get all happy and content lol
Here's my finished Sirius. Overall, I'm happy with the way this turned out. Itlooks better than the stock figure, in my opinion. Still needs some futzing, but I'm happy with it.

Thanks! I thought the wrist accessories made him look cooler and unique. The right wrist wrap is just some leather I cut and wrapped around. The leather watch was made by Raveneye a while back. I might swap it for some cloth material or something else. It was mainly to hide the wrist joints, but I think it gives his look more character as well.

If anyone else wants to try the mod, here's what was done and what to look out for:

-Body swapped to ZC Toys emulated body.
-Added decals to new body, made by Hunterdnrc, sets available from him.
-Cut neck off head.
-Removed Velcro from right side of shirt.
-Drilled holes in ZC body ankles to accommodate the different boot pegs.
-Used new hands since the Star Ace hands were different colors and undersized.
-Shirt fits much tighter on new body, so be careful when dressing it.

I think that's all I can remember doing and the stuff to watch out for.
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Thanks! Hunterdnrc made and applied them from a concept art picture I found. He will sell the set if anyone else is interested.

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