Variety is reporting that Roberto Orci will direct "Star Trek 3".
And folks say that shiat doesn't float to the top . . .
Star Trek 3: The Search for a Steadicam
Variety is reporting that Roberto Orci will direct "Star Trek 3".
It is what it is folks, it's an essential film for dealing with the protagonists we know and love.
It is what it is folks, it's a good honest Star Trek story, it beats a real emotive heart and although some may decry the lack of blistering space battles, or end of the universe peril scenarios, it's an essential film for dealing with the protagonists we know and love.
Uh no. No one does that and that isn't what Star Trek is at all. Nor was the crap JJ put on screen.
Excellent. JJ made Star Trek films for people who would have been just as well satisfied with some other Sci-fi yarn with 'Star' in the title.
Pity about the people who've been following this particular franchise for decades though.
It's not that I resent people for liking it. But I am puzzled - was there something inside you crying out to like Star Trek previous to the JJ films and it just couldn't happen until he came along? Why like it now and still not like what came before, without which this new Star Trek wouldn't even exist. That's a curious thing to me.
When it first came out I really enjoyed his first one but the second one just took too many liberties with the canon and logic...kinda retroactively put me off the first one.
Deadline is reporting a rumor that Edgar Wright is on the list of potential directors.
First one was great, second bored me to tears. But I'm always up for more Star Trek.