LOL ... fair. The Jedi in the OT were powerful but they weren't superheroes as in the PT and other media; it always struck me as weird the way Lucas turned an order of mystic warrior monks into 'Generals' overnight who enthusiastically (albeit ineptly) prosecuted a galactic war.
Luke was a 'ringer' in Star Wars who dealt the killing blow to the Death Star but couldn't have done it without the sacrifices of many others.
In ESB he was on a personal journey and despite his unique abilities could only buy a little time here and there on Hoth. Yoda wasn't a fighter and the Emperor was a diabolical puppet master with Vader as an enforcer.
By ROTJ stakes were higher due in part to a confluence of events and dead Bothans -- but again, Luke helped cripple the Imperial leadership but without scores of brave rebel fighters, the war machine would likely have prevailed regardless.
Despite Luke's key role and heroism in the OT, victory was always bought with the lives of ordinary fighters.