Media Star Wars Battlefront 2

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I just bought this for $US34, got back home and was told it was down the road for $27.
Until it's $20 or it's guaranteed there are no game altering microtransactions returning, I'm not buying. Which sucks because I loved star fighter assault in the beta.
The multiplayer DLC is good but that Resurrection single player stuff was even worse than the single player story from the main game lol

Awful. And that's saying something as the single player in this game is terrible. Idea is a boring character.
But she's a TIE pilot!

And the Corvus is awesome!!!
Getting kind of annoyed when trying to use Explosive Sentry and teammates walk in front of the rounds. Gotten worse since Christmas ��������
Thought that seemed to happen more and more. Kind of getting over it.

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Actually Oumuamua looks a lot like Admiral Holden's cruiser over the Corvus.

Some MASSIVE changes coming in soon, devs are also teasing next season which seems to be the long awaited clone wars/PT season. :yess:
Probably Naboo green fields, Geonosis and Coruscant Jedi Temple plus Obi-Wan’s Starfighter and PT Obi-Wan and Mace.

I also want the OT B Wing bombers in their PT DLC lol
It's gonna be Grievous and Obi-Wan for sure, maybe some more reinforcement troops. (Cody, Rex, droidekas). Utapau, hopefully Jedi Temple and Corucsant for starfighter. Hoping to see jedi starfighters as hero ships and maybe a Jango version of the S1.
Gawd I hope Grievous does not suck.

Probably one of my most fav SW characters.

Doubt it, but wonder if he can crawl on walls / ceilings like in the cartoon.
Huge QoL patch this morning. Mi boi Finn got a nerf. :( Some new drips of content as well. Overall pretty happy and am waiting for the big one.

List of updates:

Listed in Patch Notes:

New Content:

Blast on Crait

We’re expanding the ways you can play on Crait by bringing this map to the Blast Game Mode! Battle in the mines among the machinery and crystals leftover from the previous occupants.

Iden Versio’s TIE/In fighter

Now available as a new Hero Starfighter in multiplayer matches! Iden Versio leads by example from her personal TIE/ln fighter. Custom-built for Inferno Squad, this modified TIE has seen heroic service in the name of the Emperor.

Iden Versio’s TIE/In fighter Abilities:

Afterburner - Gives the starfighter a temporary speed boost and breaks enemy missile lock. The AFTERBURNER can be cancelled after a short time
Laser Barrage - Charges up a rapid fire barrage which deals high damage
Dual Proton Torpedoes - Fires two proton torpedoes which track the locked target and deal high damage
Inferno Leader – For the duration of INFERNO LEADER, all enemies within a radius are revealed to allied players. These enemies receive increased damage from all sources

TIE/In fighter Star Cards:

Engine Heat Dissipator - Decreases the AFTERBURNER cooldown
Advanced Torpedoes - Increases DUAL PROTON TORPEDO damage
Vengeful Barrage - Increases the damage of LASER BARRAGE
Flight Commander - Increases the duration of INFERNO LEADER
Reinforced Hull - Increases the total health of the starfighter
Tuned Lasers - Increases primary weapon damage
Advanced Capacitors - Improves the primary weapons resistance to overheating
Repair Systems - Reduces the delay before health regeneration begins
Elite Pilot - Increases the turn rate of the starfighter
Engine Upgrade - Increases the top speed and how quickly the starfighter can accelerate and decelerate

Iden Versio’s TIE/In fighter Milestones:

Rapid Assault - Used Iden Versio's TIE/LN fighter AFTERBURNER ability 25 times
Precision Strike - Achieve 25 DUAL PROTON TORPEDO kills with Iden Versio's TIE/LN Fighter
Hope Cannot Save Them - Achieve 25 LASER BARRAGE kills with Iden Versio's TIE/LN Fighter
Avenge Our Emperor - Use Iden Versio's TIE/LN Fighter INFERNO LEADER ability 25 times



Reduced base damage of his EL-16 from 65 to 45
Reduced the time before heat cooldown kicks in from 3.5 to 1.5 seconds
Reduced damage of each Deadeye shot from 40 to 30


Reduced the heat generated per shot of her F-11D


Fixed a bug where Maximized Efficiency was not properly granting cooldown reduction

Boba Fett

Reduced the damage per rocket of Rocket Barrage from 90 to 78
Reduced the inner damage radius for each rocket of Rocket Barrage from 2 to 1.5 meters
Reduced the outer damage radius for each rocket of Rocket Barrage from 4 to 3 meters

Classes & Special Units

Wookiee Warrior

Reduced Bowcaster center projectile damage multiplier from 1.3 to 1
Lowered Bowcaster fall off distance at the start from 20 to 10 meters & at the end from 30 to 25 meters
Reshuffled Bowcaster explosion damage and projectile damage to make falloff have higher effect
Increased Bowcaster heat per shot


Reduce size of scope glint
Added scope glint to the following long range weapons: EL-16HFE, A-280, Pulse Rifle, and Captain Phasma’s F-11D
Reduced heat per shot for the following long range weapons: Valken-38X, E-5S, DLT-20A, DLT-19x, A180, and DLT-19D
Increased the bursts per minute of all Infiltration variants from 100 to 130


Reduced the AOE of Supercharged and Explosive sentry
Increased heat per shot for Supercharged Sentry from 0.015 to 0.017


Reduced explosion damage when turret is destroyed by blaster fire from 150 to 25



Lowered start damage from 17 to 16
Lowered end damage from 9 to 8
Reduced damage falloff end distance from 40 to 30 meters


Reduced inner blast radius from 3.5 to 2 meters
Increased outer blast radius from 5 to 6 meters
Increased explosion damage from 55 to 100


Reduced falloff start distance from 20 to 15 meters
Reduced start damage of Explosive Shot from 29 to 26
Reduced end damage of Explosive Shot from 10 to 8
Reduced inner blast radius of Explosive Shot from 0.8 to 0.7 meters
Reduced outer blast radius of Explosive Shot from 2 to 1.8 meters
Reduced accuracy of the final shots when Burst Mod is equipped

Trip Mine

Increased the number of mines that can be deployed at the same time from 1 to 2
Raised the time until the mines disappeared after death from 5 to 15 seconds


Fixed a bug where both the Officer’s Recharge Command and Finn’s Big Deal abilities were not affecting Heroes or Special Units properly
Fixed an issue where each sector on the minimap would not light up properly the first time an enemy fired
Reduced fade in time for a minimap sector from 0.3 to 0.1 seconds
Stability improvements
Misc. bug fixing

Not Listed:

There are snowtroopers on Crait now.
There is an AT-ST on Jakku, on Phase 1
Speeders on Crait now cost 200

Requirements for purple level has been decreased: Troopers: Level 25 (instead of 50)

Heroes: Level 20 (instead of 25)

Milestone for weapons in each class are now 50/200/400

Milestone for weapons' mods have been decreased to 25/75/150

Night-time Mos Eisley is now available

Removed A-Wing from Mos Eisley

New option to disable HUD but keep the scopes

When reinforcements become available, it'll state which type. For example: AERIAL AVAILABLE, BOMBER AVAILABLE

Yoda can no longer block flame throwers

On the first phase of starkiller base more of the map is out of bounds to the first order, so you can no longer run over the resistance in their spawn

Reduced the amount of battlepoints gained from using speeders

They fixed the bug where you can go inside the objectives (ships) on Phase 4 of Jakku.

The perimeter of the securing areas of phase 2 on Kamino were reduced.

Press A or X to claim loot in career tab now. No more pressing Y or /_\

They fixed one of Kylo's pose in the top 5 screen. One where his lightsaber was off.

Phasma’s blaster sounds different

New music was added to the game

overload on enforcer units lowers recoil now

It seems that the AAT was nerfed aswell. The splash damage seems to be lower than it was before the patch. It also seems that playing the objective on GA gives more BP.

the amount of Battle Points (BP) earned in the AT-ST got reduced.

There is now a bunker buster in the Resurgent Class Star Destroyer map on SF Assault. I had to do a double take.

ARC-170 laser cannons now make the same sound as TIE Fighter cannons.

If you complete a milestone in-game, you will get a pop up notification.

Leia's Card Relentless Firing changed. Now it is increased firing time (time reduction per bullet decreased) at 25%/25%/45%/55%

New hero voicelines were added to some abilities to indicate the activation

S-5 Laser color was corrected to Green

Super Battledroid and Rocket droid now both cost the same - 2000
You guys ever notice an ION launcher bug where you can launch, but keep your launcher for more?

So in maps where you have to ion the MTT or whatever to stop it, to unlock it, to shoot it...I use a heavy with ION torp card.

Nearly 100% of the time (sometimes I dont pay attention or die, so I dont notice), it seem I can "spawn" a new launcher at my feet.

So I charge up the Launcher and shoot. As I am shooting, I am spamming "Q" to equip and use my Torp.
Lots of the time I see a new launcher at my feet after I do this.
I recall one time, I basically picked it up and shoot the Launcher again. Yet, the second time, I have no more Torp to trigger it again.

I am wondering because watching allies the other night, I swear I seen it happen to someone else, as Officer, not Heavy.

So I am wondering if you spam / swap instantly so another weapon / ability RIGHT after you shoot the launcher, if this more common than I think.