This cross-platform play-wise? I am on pc.
Finally got all the heroes unlock, minus 2 ships.
Most of the guns unlocked to play around with and few, if not all of the mods.
Been ballin this game out. Learning maps makes things so much easier.
Origin has me at around 110 hours.
While I still have my fail games every once as a while, mostly getting in top 5.
Sometimes getting tunnel vision (in the zone) and coming out as mvp.

Just as a support type player, I need a team the plays objectives
with me.
Speaking of support and mvp. After reading some and playing around a bit...I have been able to come out as mvp with 0 kills
And screw them pushing Crait. Playing that map like every 2 or 3 is annoying.
I am starting to leaving servers once that map comes up, after the first or second time.