I have never and will never look to a video game to be moved by the story.
I just want to blow **** up and I don't care where I get that from, SP or MP.
I played Red Dead Redemption for a ridiculous amount of hours but never finished the game. I don't have as much time to play video games now and still prefer single player to multiplayer. I don't have the time to commit to memorizing all the MP maps and secrets for these games. I just want to play a campaign for however long I want to play and not be bothered by *******s.
Yep sums up your movie views too? I don't care how good Banner acts, I want to see HULK smash.. ughh grrrr...jk
Been playing this a lot. And have gotten quite a lot better than i was at it when it first came out. I generally really don't like MP games, but this seems like just pick it up and play and have fun. I can play for just 20 min if i want and turn it off. Plus the setting is great and graphics are incredible.
Looking forward to the Bespin Expansion.