You dont think the X1 has improved, let alone Frostbite 3, over the course of two years? Really? No firmware updates, tweaks, API changes.... nothing? The seventh cpu core being opened will greatly improve game performance and the footage seen, will be the graphics you see when you play it. Any BF trailer I watched never advertised "game engine footage." You know why, because they did not have the ability to make it look that good.
64 player creates to many issues. i will let you figure those issues out if you played the game before, you should easily know.
Not insulting. Insulting is 20gb updates on day one of release.
Yes.... because game engines are never improved... neither are hardware, developing tools, or unlocks for development...
"Engine capability has nothing to do with how the game will look on your platform"

i had to send this to quote to my friend, we are still laughing!

My super brief explanation, game wrote, different threads, not based on cores, hopes it utilizes all cores, more cores are good, they play off each other, increased processing power improves it..
I don't have time to write out everything.
Not casual. At one point or another top hundred on COD Black Ops, Black Ops 2, Advanced Warefare.
Even with all those breaks from Gears, top 500 on gears 3, top 100 player weekly (don't even play it every night either)
Tournies, game battles....