Star Wars Centerpieces

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Jabba is going to be a hard centerpiece to beat.

Jabba is going to be a hard centerpiece to beat.


My most desired (unannounced) piece. The Holy Grail of SSC Star Wars. An old man in a black dress in a big easy chair. I think there's something wrong with me.
There's something very uneasy when I see your Avatar in line with Evilface's avatar.


Yeah, throne chair (from Ep VI) is a must! I even want Tarkin's chair... don't know what I'd do with it without the whole war table, but I like his chair.
I definitely think the Emperor's throne is a must... that chair is the perfect center between Luke and Vader's struggle. I can't imagine SS making Jabba's throne and not the Emperor's as well.
galactiboy said:
I definitely think the Emperor's throne is a must... that chair is the perfect center between Luke and Vader's struggle. I can't imagine SS making Jabba's throne and not the Emperor's as well.

However, I don't think The Emperor's Throne needs to be Polystone. I do think it'd be cool if the top piece was removable to double for his chair in Episodes II and III.
Now that I think about it, there's a lot of chairs I would like:

Emperor's "chair"

Tarkin's chair

Queen's throne "chair"

Yoda's Jedi chair

Vader's meditation chair

Gunray's walking chair

tomandshell said:
Do you think that along with Vader, there will be a Death Star torture droid expansion pack comparable to Maul's Sith probes?

YES! That's been my guess for months! And I really want that torture droid!

I have no doubt it will come.
Customikey said:
However, I don't think The Emperor's Throne needs to be Polystone. I do think it'd be cool if the top piece was removable to double for his chair in Episodes II and III.

No, polystone would just make it ridiculously heavy... and more expensive. Also, plastic (or something else) could probably achieve a sleeker look and cost less.
I think there's a big difference in the effect a Jabba display will cause in viewers versus an Emperor's throne setup. With Jabba, it's about taking in the scale and quality, and being blown away by the variety of creature and character around him. With the Emperor's throne, and I imagine many would include Vader and Luke before him, it would be about emotion as you see the finaly climactic battle of good and evil, a son's struggle to redeem his father, a father's innner turmoil, a dictator's lust for more power than he can imagine, so I think it's hard to compare the two of which would be more impressive because what would be impressive about each doesn't fit in the same category with each other.
Some good suggestions for some "centerpieces" that folks are posting here...

My "dream" centerpiece is...

Obi-Wan astride Boga

I know to do Boga justice, it would be pretty big, but hey. if folks are clamoring for a rancor, then Obi-Wan's mount is not too outlandish an idea....

I mean, it wasn't too long ago we couldn't imagine a certain crimelord and his throne, so....anything's possible (I hope)....
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Very well said, Maulfan.

Jabba's throne is a fun "toy chest" of creatures and monsters and colors... the Emperor's throne is a simple symbolic moment realized in a miniature display.
Customikey said:
DOn't care. Want both. Must. Have. Both....

Well said, but before the display, I just want a ROTJ Palpatine that is sculpted so perfectly you can't put it down because you stare at it for hours going WOW!!!
MaulFan said:
Well said, but before the display, I just want a ROTJ Palpatine that is sculpted so perfectly you can't put it down because you stare at it for hours going WOW!!!

:monkey2 :monkey5 :monkey2 :monkey5

Must. Live. The. Dream. C'mon Sideshow, make ROTJ Palpatine happen!
Must have calm, self-satisfied smile, cane, alternate lightening hands and the sweetest paint apps this side of Bib Fortuna.
:emperor :emperor :emperor
Mikey, what do you think, 2 heads for ROTJ Palpatine, one the sinister I know I rule face, and then one with that slight you're f***ed now smirk he makes after saying "I'm afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive." the same smirk as ROTS when he says "And we shall have peace." I know a smile seems like not a good thing for a single head, but if they did too it'd be great to have that pure evil smirk I think.